My Next Ghost Experience

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By this time I was 24 and had just bought a single wide trailer for me and the kids. I have two daughters and two sons. My youngest was only a few months old at the time this started. I had moved to the back part of my parents property because I had divorced my first husband and my boyfriend had been arrested.

I didn't want to deal with men for awhile so I didn't really date that much. So it was just me and the kids at the house. I started noticing small things at first. Missing stuff, broken things, and noises. I thought it was the older kids roaming the house at night you know just being kids. I tried many times to catch them out of their rooms but never found them.

One time I punished them for losing my keys to my car after I couldn't find them where I had left them the night before. They were eventually found outside in my car and I just thought that maybe I had forgotten them. Not so.

I started putting stuff on top of the frig to keep the kids from losing it or moving it. To no avail nothing was where I had left. This happened every day for months. I was working for a chicken processing plant at the time and had started dating a guy from night shift. It wasn't serious at first as I was dating a couple of guys at the time. No sex with any of them.

When we started getting serious towards the end of the year, I broke it off with the other guys. He moved in just before Christmas and that is when things got really weird. We were both asleep and a fire started next to my side of the bed on the floor. My dog had woke us up in time to put it out. Another time, I was cooking dinner and all of the burners turned red hot but were not on. Many things like that continued to happened until he moved out the next May. 

I moved a girl into the house to help with the bills and she soon moved out because weird stuff was happening to her like touches in the middle of the night, hair being pulled and other stuff. I just didn't know what to do. I quit my job and started at a furniture factory and the census. I was dating this other guy and had asked if he wanted to spend the night.

He left in the middle of the night screaming that there was a devil in the house after he pulled off of the bed. I had felt him moving in a jerking kind of way and had turned on the lamp next to the bed. His upper half was hanging off of the bed hovering there with his arm outstretched like it was being pulled. He woke up at that point and was dropped to the floor.

Never saw him again. He even changed his number.

Shortly after that my ex tried to move back in but that lasted a couple of days and never saw him again. A few months later I started dating a coworker and started a new job as a CNA. He moved in and things got bad. The kids started talking about a soldier visiting every night and that a burnt witch was trying to get in the house.

My boyfriend didn't believe in any of that but couldn't deal with the nightmares and moved back into his place. I felt alone and abandoned and did things I wasn't proud of. There were many men in and out of my life. I was heading into a life I couldn't get out. I let my three oldest go live with the dad and kept my youngest since he wasn't my ex-husband's son.

I was spiraling out of control, never did drugs, but there are other addictions. The more I lost control the worst things got a the house. One night me and my son were watching t.v. and all of the power went of the house. It was pitch black since we lived in the country there weren't any street lights.

My son points to a hazy white glow coming from the hallway that lead to my room. It was slowly moving closer to us and the cats were going crazy with my dog outside barking rabidly. The shape kept changing from a walking man to someone dragging a part of their body behind them. I ran from the house with my son and went to my parents house. I thought that we would be safe there. I was wrong, whatever it was followed us there. It showed up in the middle of the night as I lay on the couch. 

The light from it woke me up and I found it hovering right over me. It said that it wanted me since I gave so freely of myself to others it was going to take it too. I felt icy fingers touching me everywhere, poking and prodding. It went on for hours. It was like a child with a new toy and had to find everything out about it.

Eventually it left and I went to sleep in my son's room. Every night it would come back no matter where I was, a friend's house, my parents or my house. It never really hurt me but would just stroke my body, touch everywhere, and would just hover over me. 

It did leave me alone while I was dating this one guy but I found out he was a liar, drug user and part of a drug gang from Mexico. He lived with me for a bit until I found out what he was really like. I lost my trailer because of him, he would take all of my paychecks and use it to buy drugs.

After we went our separate ways, I moved back in with my parents until my tour of duty started in July of that same year. When I went to basic training, it didn't follow me but had stayed on my parent's property. I would see it sometimes when I would go back to visit. My son had started talking about it calling it his civil war soldier. He was 4 at the time, how would he know what the civil war was.

After I got out of the Army, things got bad but that is another story.

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