My Daughter Heather's Ghost Experiences

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My oldest daughter, Heather, had started seeing ghosts when she was around four years old. Most people would just say that it was her invisible friend or her imagination but I tend to believe my children when they tell me things. 

In 1995, I left my husband in Germany, he was stationed there, with our two kids. Heather was two and Matthew had just turned one. I was nineteen, separated, and had to take care of my children without their dad. So, to help out my parents offered to let us stay with them in Georgia. They had just bought ten acres of land, was raising chickens and pigs and was in the process of getting a new double wide. 

It felt great to be free to do whatever I wanted, I had got married when I was sixteen because we had found out that I was pregnant. Three years later, we had two kids, we fought a lot, he drank a lot and got abusive. Now, I could get a job, learn to drive a car, and not be afraid of what was going to happen to next. It didn't last long because in late August of the next year, he got stationed at Ft. Benning, which was just down the road from I was living.

He convinced me that he had changed and that he wanted us to be a family again. I was pregnant with my daughter, Courtney, by this time and we both decided to give her his name. It lasted another another two years before he started drinking again, talking to other women, going to strip clubs with his single soldiers and so much more. I left him for good and filed for divorce. I got custody of the children because he didn't want to take care of them now that he was single. I didn't care what his reasons were, I got to keep my kids.

1. Her first ghost experience started shortly after that and people would just say that it was because of the divorce. Right after her fourth birthday, we moved into a trailer that I had bought onto the back part of my parents property. I would hear her talking to someone at night, when I would clean up the mess the children had made. It was an older trailer that needed a lot of work, it only had three bedrooms so the girls had to share.

Courtney would start to get scared at night and would cry a lot, so I put her in my room. Shortly after she was moved out, Heather would stay up all night talking and playing with whatever it was that she saw. One day, she asked me why someone would have a huge hole on the side of their head. I asked her where did she see something like that and she said that her friend had taken of their hat and had a big hole in his head.

She started describing him, in that he carried a long gun, had on gray clothes with a black hat, and talked real funny. This was just when the internet was getting started but I couldn't afford a computer, so we went to the local library and I had her look at civil war pictures. She picked out a confederate solider and said that he looked like that. The librarian overheard us talking and came over to ask us questions.

The librarian said that the whole area that we lived in had been a battlefield between the north and the south. That a couple years before we moved out there, four graves had been found there. They had been removed and reburied in the confederate cemetery on Ft. Benning. We knew that something had happened out there because we were always finding old stuff buried in the ground. 

I started seeing him after we found out about him and he would come into my bedroom and stand over the bed watching Courtney sleep. My stuff started coming up missing, the lights would flash on and off, and the hot water would just turn cold. We had to move out of the trailer due to all of the work that had to be done and moved back in with my parents. My dad had turned off all of the power so that he could put in new lines for the stove and was zapped in the head by a wire. We knew there wasn't any power to the house because it wasn't connected to the power pole.

To this day she still sees him when she goes out to the property and my stuff still comes up missing.

2. The next ghost that she saw was this one that her and Matthew called the brown witch. She started seeing this ghost after I bought a brand new trailer because the old one was costing so much money to repair. She had her own room that was at the other end of the single wide with a bathroom at the end of the hallway and Matthew's room just before hers. By the time I got this place I had my son David and he shared a bedroom with his sister Courtney.

I could still hear her talk to her soldier every night as I would pick up all of their stuff. Well one night, she starts screaming that the brown witch was trying to come through her window. I ran into her room and she was paralyzed on the floor, hiding under her window.  During the week, she would have this thing try to get in her or Matthew's room at night. Every other weekend they went to their dad's house and would not have any bad experiences or dreams.

When they would go for the weekend, the house would get a weird feeling at night. I would hear tapping on their windows, the power would get wonky and our animals acted strangely.  After they got back, the animals would get protective of them, each kid had a cat and I had a dog, named Buddy. Buddy would walk to Matthew's and Heather's rooms and lay in between them in the hallway. He would stare at the ceiling or walls and randomly growl at something the only he could see.

His behavior would get so bad that I had to leave him outside at night so that we could get some sleep. My cats that had been healthy before started to get sick and would die without cause. In two months, I lost a momma cat and her litter of 6 kittens. Took the bodies to the vet for poison testing and necropsy. The results for every test were negative and the vet just said it was a natural death for the my cat and her litter.

The summer of that year, she had a friend that lived down the road spend the night. At around 2 a.m. she woke up the whole house screaming that something was trying to get her. Her parents came and got her right away and she never came to the house again after that. Soon after that Heather came to me with scratches on the middle of her back and what looked liked grab marks on her arms.

I contacted my local preacher and had him do a blessing in every room of our house and on us, the animals included. We never saw that brown witch again but the soldier is still there. We see him every now and again when we are at the house.

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