My Continued Experiences

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Over the years I have moved around a lot due to being married to a soldier. I love it because we get to go to places we have never been before. Get to explore and find new things to do and now we have bought house to have a place to call our own, you know plant roots for a bit. Since me and Rob have been together, a lot of spiritual stuff has been happening.

More than before we got together, I think it is because he doesn't believe in that sort of thing and I seem to be a magnet for that sort of stuff. My first experience as his wife happened shortly after I moved to Germany to be with him before he left for his second deployment. We had just moved into our military housing apartment off post and didn't have much furniture.

It was on the bottom floor, two bedrooms and a small patio out the back door. The windows had these blackout blinds that when lowered made the room completely dark. We liked them especially after a night of drinking. It was just the two of us for a couple of months because right after we got married he had to go back to Germany, I was living in Georgia with my five year old son.

So, we wanted some hubby and wifey time before we brought David over to be with us. He had taken some leave so that we could spend quality time together but had to go back to work. One morning after he had left for PT (physical training or group exercise) and I was cleaning up the kitchen. I was alone in the apartment and without reason the blind in the kitchen closed by itself.

Scared the crap out of me. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face it was so dark. Out of nowhere, something touched my hand, like a child trying to grab my hand. It freaked me out so I turned to run out the door but didn't know exactly where it was behind me. I ran into the wall but knew the door was close to where I was. Just as I was about to reach the door, the door opened by itself. I ran out quick.

About thirty minutes later Rob came home from pt to eat, shower and change clothes. I refused to go back into the kitchen unless he was in the room. I had opened all of the blinds in every room, even the empty bedroom. I told him what had happened and he just said that maybe I had just bumped the blind. I knew that I couldn't really talk to him about this stuff.

For several days things would be found in a different spot to where we had left it. The apartment above us was empty when we first moved in and we both could hear footsteps running around. About a month after we moved in, a family with a little girl moved in. I thought it would be great for when we brought David over that he would have kids his own age to play with.

Shortly after they moved in, I had to have emergency surgery. I had cysts that had burst inside my abdomen and had to get them removed. Rob was sent back from the field (training area) to take care of me during recovery. I would be in a lot of pain and had to sleep on the couch so that he wouldn't bump in the night or so I would roll over in my sleep.

The first night home, I was on the couch and something came up to hold my hand and soothe my hair. At first I thought it was Rob but the hand was really small and cold. I knew it was the little girl that the neighbors had talked about. She would say goodbye to everyone leaving the building. Some people thought it was the little girl in the apartment above us but her mom said that she never left apartment that early in the morning.

We brought David over on Halloween so that we could have a bit of time as a family before Rob had to leave. His adventures with the little girl started almost immediately after he got there.

Over the years, every house we have lived in I have had experiences including the one we just bought last year. I have seen orbs with the naked eye floating throughout the house and yard. There have been times  where I was having a conversation with my mother-in-law to later find out she wasn't even home. We would talk through her bedroom door all the time so I never thought anything of it until I would see her pull up and realize it wasn't her I was talking to.

More than once we have heard footsteps in the attic crawlspace. There is a door to the attic that has a lock on the inside of the door. Like it can only be locked from the inside. We would find it opened every morning. Courtney and I thought someone was living up there but Rob checked it out and never found anything.

I think the most frightening thing that has happened here, is one night we were outside having a bonfire and the motion detector lights kept turning on and off. They sit about three hundred feet from the house and there was no way we were causing them to react. The dogs were sitting right next to us just staring out into the backyard. The weird part was that as soon as the lights would turn off, you could see shadows move around until they turned back on.

Frequently we would find the dogs and cat just staring up at the corners by the ceilings, growling at random spots in the house or standing at alert in the living room looking in every direction. Several times, they would just start growling in the middle of the night from under the bed. Well, I hope it was them because I refuse to look under the bed at night.

There was one house that we were looking at that was over one hundred and twenty years old that we wanted to buy. We had been there several times to view it and I would always see a shadow on the wall of a cowboy. I think that is the only place that Rob says he knows for sure is haunted. Every time I walked in there it was like my soul was saying that this is where it needs to be.

I was broken for awhile after I found out we couldn't get it, they wanted cash or predatory loan, we couldn't do either so we had to let go of the thought of owning. So, we decided to buy this house since I fell in love with it too. I take it in stride all of the things that happen here, it keeps me entertained with all of the activity here.

The story continues.......

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