"Yeah," Charlie replies, careful in the way she was disclosing that piece of information to the girl that sat in the passenger's seat up front. Brie didn't seem to go crazy at both individuals putting there lives at risk for her or so the girl that was driving thought.

"We need to go back, to make sure that they didn't get hurt."

"No, I'm sorry but I can't do that. Boss told me as soon as I got you to take you to your parent's house. They'll meet us there."

"What if they don't?"

"Don't be such a pessimist Brie," Charlie glared at her for a split second, not paying attention to the words that left her mouth until she did. She thought she would've worsened the girl's mood but surprisingly not.

"They'll be alright. The cops probably intervened anyway." She reassures, this time in a much softer tone.

"Did you call them?" Brie asks, sitting back into her seat trying to calm her racing heart and shaking limbs.

"No. I have no clue who did but it's an inside job. Could literally be any of the guys, even Luca or boss."

With a slight head nod, the rest of the car read was completed in silence. Charlie took her home to her parents in no time and the moment she got out of the car, sprinting up the front steps, the door came swinging open and Brie runs into the arms of her mother, both women breaking down immediately.

Charlie stood off to the side observing the little family reunion and basically how all of the women, including Cassie who came bolting through the door, started weeping. She saw a caring bunch of people elated to have their family back home and safe and she was glad that she was of use to them.

The girl was about to head back into the car to wait until her boss and Luca showed up when Brie runs over to her and grabbed her arm.

"I still need to help you fix that," she says indicating to the wound and wiping tears away from her eyes.

"It could wait."

"No, it cannot. Come inside, please."

Brienna didn't wait for her to respond she simply led her up the steps and into the house where Cassie assisted in getting the arm cleaned and patched up.

They were all waiting on word from Luca or Raye. No one spoke about Craig because the reality was just too harsh to grasp.

* * *

Raye had caught a ride from one of the guys after the men in the police car had dropped her off at a random spot.
Still in a state of shock over the unravelling of events, on her way to the Paulson's house, she couldn't get what Brian had said to her. It was because of Carter and a few of their friends they were able to pull off such a ruse.

Those were actual cops that arrested them, actual men in uniform that were also part of Carter's affiliation. The girl wasn't surprised over that information, she lived and breathed in the mafia and for years she'd known how fickle the police were and how distrusting everyone was of them. Their loyalty lied to the highest bidder in most offences. And usually, the mafia was among the highest bidder.

As soon as the car had slowed to a stop in front of the Paulson's domicile, Raye quickly leaves without saying a word to the older man that had brought her there. She was too busy surfing the waters of her mind.

Along her jog up the driveway, she noticed one of her cars that Charlie drove and the sight of it caused a smile to start stretching on her lips. She was seconds away from rushing through the door and enveloping Brie in a hug so tight they'd melt into each other. The girl could feel the frantic beating of her heart within her chest as seconds go by.

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