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[[ When Evangeline Ross is told she has a godly parent, she just about punched this "satyr" in the face. "Me? A d-demigod?" she said to no one in particular whilst staring down at her hands as if the thought was supposed to cause them to start glowing or something else absurd and godly like that. ]]

"Awaken the world, the Serpent of Old,A hidden Goddess, she must be bold.The War God's weapon, to mist it went,Two maiden lovers, their time is spent.5 heroes and a Goddess, one must fall,and bloodlines be restored, or thelast breath be taken from all" - Oracle of Delphi

I do not own Rick Riordan's original stories, characters or plot. This is purely the work of fiction. I own my characters, and my plotline, that is all.

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