Chapt 1.They are gonna pay

Start from the beginning

"Look Fraz, you just gotta trust me. I am sure I made the right decision" I told her, putting my hands on her shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly.

She smiled and hugged me, I hugged her back. I really care for Frazzle; she has been like a sister to me since childhood. We were the best of friends.

"Now come on, or else we will be late for class" I said pulling back, "and you know how Mr.G aka mr.grumblepants gets when we are tardy right?" We both shivered as his furious face came into our minds.

"I hope he doesn't hurt you Cass, I really really hope" Frazzle whispered. I ignored the anxiety in her voice and pulled her to homeroom.

The tone of her voice scared me. Frazzle has always had these instincts which have till date, have come out true.

But I am sure she is wrong about woods,

"Woods will never hurt me" I said to myself determined.

I walked into the cafeteria with frazzle beside me, it was already lunch time. I really didn't know what the teachers had taught in class because I was pretty busy daydreaming about Woods. I giggled as I thought about him.

Frazzle rolled her eyes; she has been doing that a lot lately. I could tell that she was getting annoyed out of her mind at my constant trips to dreamland, but I could not help it!

Does everyone feel this way after sex?

We made our way to the lunch table where our group was sitting. It consists of me, frazzle, Caprice, Gabrielle, Adam and Mickey. We weren't exactly the IN group but we were pretty popular. We were like second from the cheerleader and jock group, we weren't exactly rivals with them but we didn't exactly like each other.

I sat down besides Mickey, "Hi Sandra!" he said cheerfully. Mickey was a musician; he played the piano and had won many competitions for his talent and brought great honor to our school. He was a very optimistic and tension-free person, and that is why I adored him! Everyone did...

Next was Adam, our straight A British student. HE was fun, caring and TOTALLY gorgeous. Girls drooled over him all the time and not to mention the fact that he had a sexy British accent and DIMPLES! He was like a perfect angel sent from heaven. Though he was off-limits as he was dating my other best friend Gabriella Gardner also known as Mrs. Strawberry. She was the cutest and sweetest girl in school! With cherry blonde hair and big emerald eyes she was typically the strawberry from our grade. Her cute freckles looked like they were meant to be there and she had petite and perfect body frame.

Adam had fallen for her the minute he saw her, she didn't wear slutty clothes or have big boobs or striking beauty or the other crap he was used to. She was nice, caring and cheerful. Those were the things which stood out the most about her and Adam instantly fell in love.

Adam wasn't into sports or any other club. He just wanted to keep things simple and just do regular stuff.

Adam And Gaby have been labelled the 'cutest couple of the grade' and sure as hell they are. I feel my heart melting whenever I look at them. I glanced to where they were sitting, Adam was whispering something into Gaby's ear, she giggled and turned a bright red. She looked so funny...

Caprice was the cool ass biker chick of our grade. She had a no-nonsense personality and never took crap from people. She didn't have a boyfriend or anything as she believed in being an independent woman and gagged at the thought of 'shitty stuff' also called commitment, you could say that she was the playgirl of our grade. And she LOVED the color black, I could bribe her off of anything if it only had black in it. She was really cool and laid-back and also very mean. She didn't give a crap about school work and she was WOW with makeup. I liked her rebel personality and was quite surprised to find myself doing wild things because of her. She brings out the best in me...or the worst.

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