Childhood Survival and Royal

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Narrator: After a month of the imprisonment to the villains everything be alright as villains start to survive from the help of the residents before them which is quite hard as only limited food and herbs can grow on the island along with meat. But water wasn't a issue thanks to a simple tactic of boiled salt water however clothing and materials are hard to find to help build or fixing anything that need tools. As the villains start to rebuild their lives from scratch many of them receive help like Cruella who is slowly becoming less insane, Hook is less angry and less greedy, while Snow Queen became less shaded and more happy. However not long did the villains start to have feelings for either each other or other people and soon babies start to be born however not a lot of the parents survive as they either have poor health or die by natural causes. Yet the children continue to expand over the years with improvements for multiple villains but after a whole year since their imprisonments a special event just current recently that everyone is happy about.

Narrator: Inside Maleficent room is herself, Gothel, Tremaine, Cruella, and Regina getting ready for today as it the day for Maleficent and Hades Wedding while inside another room is Hades, Facilier, Jafar, Hook, and Diaval. After 30 minutes both Maleficent and Hades was in the ruin church where Frollo is the priest and announces 'you may kiss the bride' to which Hades kiss Maleficent which everyone cheer and celebrate. As the party begins Calus took a photo of the two newly married couple from the front before taking another with them on the sidelines which he got Maleficent back where the wounds were still healing. Once that done everyone start to enjoy themselves as they are having a blast at the party even some of their children were having a fun time. However the party must end since everyone have a life but the two married couple didn't rest but instead they have a pleasure time that night with Hades going easy with Maleficent on the back yet at one in the morning the two went to sleep.

Narrator: But after a month since the Wedding, Hades start receiving letters from his family informing him about a issue to which he kept secret from Maleficent as he didn't want to worried her. However that didn't stop her curious about the letters which her friends from the Wedding start investing in the mysteries and discover what the letters say but at the moment they reveal the letter to her Hades is at Ursula restaurant with his friends from the wedding about the letters.

Hades: "So should I tell her?" He ask as the four guys thought about it before agreeing to tell her about the letters since they told him she will find out sooner or later to which he thought about it and sigh. As soon as he return home he is immediately face to face with Maleficent with worry in her eyes then he sigh knowing that she found out to which he told her the truth about how he is needed in the underworld as judge. However before the two could talk again Calus show up and spoke.

Calus "I think I found a solution to your issue" he said making the two look at each other before looking at him. He explains that Hades can spend a few hours in communication to help his family to judge the souls from the isle that way the gods can do their jobs while Hades do his job from the comfort of his home. Hades and Maleficent look at each other and smile as they like the plan to which Calus smile and offer Hades a scroll to which he wrote about the solution to his family.

Narrator: Not long when Hades sent the letter did a device appears in the couple bedroom the day after he sent it to which Hades uses the device to screen chat with his brother Zeus as it was his turn to judge the souls. Since then Hades spend five hours in the morning until he take a break to spend time with his love and friends as it is hard work to judge the souls from his own home/prison. But as a month went by did another unexpected surprise on the isle as it turns out that Maleficent is pregnant with a baby girl making Hades the happiest soon to be father on the isle. Yet the giving birth after nine months was quite painful for Maleficent as she have a small temper giving birth making Hades to take the rage while Calus and the four women to help the process of Maleficent giving birth. After a painful birth Calus warped the baby girl in blankets before giving her to Maleficent as the two parents smile at their daughter in her mother arms as the two felt joy in their hearts. But it was just the start of the girl they name Mallory, or Mal for short, childhood.

Descendants: alternate storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें