Chapter 13

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The next morning Jake text me and told me he was on his way to pick me up to go meet his sister and mother. To say I was nervous was an under statement. But I know since I was dating him I would have to meet his parents sooner or later. I wonder if I'm ever going to meet his dad. I'll ask when we are on the way there.

I'm getting ready and I hear his car pull up in the drive way I walk out side and climb in the passenger side and buckle up. 

        "So are you ready to meet my mother and sister?"

        "Yeah but what if they don't like me?"

        "What did I tell you yesterday, everybody loves you. So no need to be worried."

        "OK. So I have a question, When am I going to meet your dad?"

I see his face freeze and his body tenses up. I must have hit a nerve but if we are going to be dating I need to know all about him. 

        "He walked out on me my sister and mother when things got hard and I've never seen him since then. So to answer your question never."

Now I feel bad for even bringing it up and asking.

        "Jake I'm sorry for bringing up."

We didn't speak until I noticed we was pulling in the hospital and I got confused.

        "Jake why are we pulling into the hospital for? I thought we was going to see your mom and sister?"

        "We are my mom has cancer and we come here to visit her often." And he looks at me and smiles a weak smile I smile back.

        "I'm sorry to hear about that Jake."

We got out of the car and he grabbed my hand and we walked through the doors and into the elevator and took a left and Jake knocked on the door and I heard a little sweet voice tell us to come in. We walked into the room and there laying in the bed was a twin to Jake and in the corner in a chair was a little girl asleep. We walk up the empty chair and Jake sits down and pulls me into his lap.

        "Hi mom this is Alex the girl I was telling you about."

His mom looks at me and smiles before she says,

        "Hey Hun its nice to meet you I'm Susan."

And she takes me into a hug and then she lets go we just sit there for a moment until she asked 

        "So how far along are you honey?"

The question caught me off guard and I think Jake could tell and that's when he yelled,


        "What honey I figured since shes dating my son I need to know stuff about her."

        "I'm four months now and next month I find out what I'm having and I smile."

        "Will I be the first to know?"

I laugh at that and I agree to that. "Yes as soon as we find out we will stop by here to let you know if your step-grandchild will be a girl or boy."

She breaks into the biggest smile I've seen since I've been here. 

        "Good, And I've told Jake that he better treat you well and the baby even though its not his. And since your here now I can talk to both of y'all about something. I know y'all like each other and Alex I know your pregnant with a child that's not kin to me or my son but I don't hold that against you, everybody makes mistakes in their lives,but with that being the case this relationship is going to be harder than any y'all have had. But no matter what happens don't blame each other or the child, work it out and be fateful to each other." 

I listened real good to her speech and it meant a lot to me and I could tell Jake was taking it all in and I was proud I had found a guy that made me happy and who would treat me the way I should be treated. I stood up and hugged her and whispered in her ear "no matter what happens in the future I'll never leave or hurt your son." and she hugs me tighter than before. We stayed like that for awhile until Jake cleared his voice and told me it was time to leave that he had somewhere to take me. So we say our goodbyes and we walk out of the hospital and get into the car and drive. 

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