Part 14

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Y/n hummed against Chikara's chest. They'd just finished her project and as promised, it was cuddle time.

"I love you" she smiled

"I love you too" Chikara smiled kissing the top of her head

There was silence for a minute, not necessarily a comfortable one though

"What's on your beautiful mind?" Chikara smiled tangling his fingers in her hair gently brushing through it

"I-it's nothing" she hid her face in his chest

"By your actions, I don't think it's nothing" he looked down at her worriedly "what ya thinking about?"

"Sex" she mumbled then buried her face in his chest as far as she could. He laid there wide eyed

"I-I u-uh" he blushed profusely "do you want to-"

"No no no" she sat up quickly beside him "I just- you're a teenage boy, I know it's gonna happen, but what if I'm not ready?" She said covering her face with her hands

"Then I won't force you" he moved her hands from her face and held them "to be honest, I'm not ready to do that anyway" he chuckled nervously looking away "I mean, I've always wanted to wait till marriage, if you're ok with that"

"Definitely" she sighed being relieved "I was hoping you'd say that" she chuckled laying her head on his chest again

"Can we... talk..." he paused, her heart dropped into her stomach. This is how ends she thought as she started tearing up "about... the future?" She let out a shaky breath of relief "did you think I was gonna break up with you" he chuckled

"Bad choice of starting words" she playfully slapped his chest

"I'm sorry, baby" he said before kissing her head "but do you wanna talk about the future?"

"Sure" she smiled looking up at him

"So, where do you wanna live in the future?"

"Honestly, I don't know" she sighed "anywhere with you would be fine though" she smiled as she looked up at him

"That was cheesy" he laughed "but it was cute" he said before kissing the tip of her nose

"That was new" she laughed

"Did you like it?" She nodded so he kissed the same spot again

"Where do you wanna live?"

"I'd be fine with staying here, would you?"

"Yeah, but I would wanna stay in the country side"

"Of course, it's a better place to raise kids" she blushed at his words and nodded "sorry if that made you uncomfortable" he chuckled "talking about having kids and everything"

"It's fine" she took a breath "I wanna have kids and you wanna have kids so it's something we should talk about"

"Yeah" he let out the breath he was holding in "how many do you want?"

"Well, I know I want more then one, because I know how much I love having my brothers"

"I agree" he smiled thinking about his siblings "I love my siblings, I wouldn't trade them for anything, except maybe you" he chuckled squeezing her closer then going back to the original grip he had

"So at least two, but probably more" she smiled

"That sounds good" he kissed the top of her head "how about 3 to 4 kids?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking" she smiled "I know we can't control this but, what would you want? Like, how many girls? how many boys?"

"Well, if we had 4 kids, definitely 2 boys and 2 girls but, with 3 I'm not sure" he pondered "probably 2 boys and a girl? Not that I wouldn't be ok with 2 girls and a boy but if I had to choose"

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat