Part 12

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It's been a month sense the tournament and there was another training camp, but to go you had to pass all your exams. Y/n is a smart girl, but has always had horrible grades in English.

"I just wanna cuddled" y/n said wrapping her arms around Chikara

"We can cuddle after we finish studying" he chuckled kissing the top of her head

"I don't wanna study" she pouted

"Then I guess you don't wanna cuddle"

"I wanna study now"

"That's what I thought" he laughed and went back to explaining what she didn't understand. It took a while but she finally understood it and was able to finish her homework and finish her studying.

"Cuddle time!" She said jumping on Chikara who was on his bed relaxing "also nap time"

"It's seven pm, it's not nap time" he looked down to her "its dinner time"

"Aww man" she pouted "I thought it was cuddle and nap time"

"After dinner" he said before kissing her and leading her to the kitchen where Emiko was almost done preparing dinner

"Hey, y/n, mom said you could stay the night if you wanted" she said as she looked up from her cooking "she heard Yuki was at a friends house, and if you didn't wanna be alone, she said you could stay"

"Oh, thanks, I think I will" she smiled "I'll just go grab some clothes real quick"

"What do I tell you every time" Chikara said as he grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving

"That I can wear yours" she said embarrassed

"No need to go get your clothes, ok?"


"Gosh, you guys are disgustingly cute" Emiko chuckled

"You sound like Daichi" Chikara laughed "he always says that to us"

"What can I say" she held up her spatula and shrugged "great minds think alike. Alright dinners ready, one of you go get Micho out of his play pin"

"Ooo me, I'll do it!" Y/n said rushing to go get him

"I'm telling you Chikara, she's good with kids, you have to wife her up" Emiko said as Y/n left

"Later" is all he said making Emiko smile

Soon after, y/n came back with Micho and they all sat down for dinner and started eating.

"So, y/n, how's school been?" Emiko said breaking the silence

"It's been good" she smiled

"Other then English" Chikara commented

"Heyyy" y/n whined "your supposed to be on my side and keep my bad grades a secret"

"Chikara, did you ever get that girl in your class to leave you alone?" Emiko said changing the subject

"Huh?" Y/n said

"No, it's getting worse to" he rolled his eyes

"Is it Ikeda again?" Y/n asked and he nodded "I hate her"

"If y/n hates her, she must be a bitch" Emiko chuckled

"She is" y/n mumbled

"What did she even do?" Emiko asked

"She basically tried to force me to have sex with her while we were working on a project when my girlfriend and younger brother were downstairs" he scoffed "like I'd give y/n up for her" he rolled his eyes "like I'd take any girl over y/n" he mumbled but everyone heard and it made y/n blush

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon