Part 2

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Y/n watched as the boys practiced, mainly watching Ennoshita. He was now the captain which gave him more of a presence on the court.

During a break, y/n and Yachi where handing out water bottles. Y/n started handing them out from one side and Yachi on the other.

"Did you see me jump really high y/n?!" Hinata said and y/n nodded in response, he was disappointed he hadn't impressed her with his jumping "why don't you seem impressed? I'm so short and I jumped really high!"

"She's been to all our games, remember?" Ennoshita said taking a water bottle from Y/n "thanks" he said before turning to Hinata "she's not impressed because she's seen it before"

"Ohhhh right, sorry, I forgot" he said hanging his head "I just never noticed you so I forgot you went to all of them"

"That's ok" she said as she was used to going unnoticed

Hinata ran off to talk to Kagayama and left Y/n with Ennoshita

"Sorry bout them" he laughed "they keep bringing up how no one notices you, that can't be fun"

"It's ok, I'm used to it by now" she sighed "I mean, I've always been shy and quiet. A lot of times my teachers wouldn't realize I was in class until they started the lesson, I was always early because Daichi had morning practice"

"Ah, I see, last year I kinda went unnoticed with all the new people, don't get me wrong, I love those guys, they're awesome, but being older I was a little jealous ya know?"

"You had a right to be, you're older and they took your spot. Anyone would be jealous" she said smiling at him

"Thanks, it was nice talking to you, I gotta go back now." He turned to leave "wait, sense it's gonna be dark when practice ends I'll walk you home, don't want ya to get kidnapped" he laughed and went back to practicing

Y/n smiled. She was beginning to feel very comfortable around Ennoshita, and kinda forming a crush on him. He was nice to her, he was cute, and he was smart. All the things she looked for in a guy, he had them.

Practice ended and they started cleaning up. Y/n was taking down the net while standing on a stool to help her reach when she lost her balance and fell. She was waiting to hit the ground but she never did, instead someone caught her. Ennoshita caught her.

"Daichi said you might be a little clumsy" he laughed holding her in his arms

"Thanks" she said as he put her down, her face bright red because she was just being held by her crush

"No problem" he said then he saw her face "oh my, are you ok? Your face i- it's all red!" He said his cheeks were a little pink

"Well, Ennoshita, your face is a little red too" Noya teased which made his face go even more red which in return made Y/n's even brighter then before

"What do you mean by that?" He said flustered

"Oh you know what I mean by that" he said teasing him even more

~ early that day during lunch~

Ennoshita was eating lunch with Tanaka and Noya and they had started talking about girls, obviously Kiyoko was the main subject for the two who where still in love with her.

"Ennoshita, what about you?" Noya teased "any girl you got your eye on?"

"I don't know, maybe?" He shrugged sipping his drink

"Oh! Is that girl you were walking into school with this morning?" Tanaka teased

"What?! No!" Ennoshita said flustered

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now