Chapter 4

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ARGUS and the surviving members of the DEO worked together to deal with the bodies of Rama Khan and Gamemnae while all heroes rushed to Star Labs to check on Alex. Kara and Sara were still processing what just had happened, with Oliver being back from the dead while Barry rushed to StarCity to pick up Team Arrow. He also went to Nanda Parbat to bring Thea, Nyssa Al Ghul, Tala Al Ghul and Emiko, Oliver's other sister that became close to Thea, Tommy and Moira after Oliver passed away. Now she trained with Thea, to help her with the League of heroes she started with Tala Al Ghul and Nyssa Al Ghul.

- I'm used to come back from the dead and all, but I've never imagined this could happen with Ollie... – Sara said as soon as them all went inside the Star Labs cortex.

- I know, The Monitor made it seem like his death was pretty final... I'm so confused – Kara said as she turned her head, seeing Oliver talking to J'onn. – But at the same time, I don't think I care about what the Monitor said before, because Oliver is back with us.

- I think we need to celebrate after all of this is over – Sara said, smiling at Kara.

- We will. I'll check on Alex now...

The shock was washing through her and once Cailtin said it was ok, Kara rushed to the med bay, and saw Alex sitting on the bed, smiling as soon as she saw her sister. Kara ran and hugged her tight.

- I was so worried... – Kara said feeling a big relief.

- I'm ok; it was just something silly...

- It was not silly, you were hurt.

- I'm ok now, that's what matters... So, tell me what happened... And why is Oliver talking to J'onn there? – Alex said in awe as she pointed outside, at Oliver and J'onn standing in the corridor.

- We don't know how, but Oliver is back. He saved us and we won, at least one battle.

- I'm glad that part is over. And that he's back...

- Alex? Kara? J'onn asked us to come to the cortex. – Cisco said as stopped by the doorstep of the med bay.

They all gathered together there, and Oliver looked at the door and opened a big smile as soon as he saw Thea, Dinah, Laurel, Diggle, Tala, Nyssa and Renee with tears in their eyes. They all hugged, feeling truly emotional. Barry stood right near them, not quite believing his friend was actually back.

- When Barry told us, I couldn't believe it – Diggle said as he rushed to hug Oliver. – I can't believe you're back. And with a new look and all – He laughed, making Oliver laugh as well.

- I need to have a hair cut, and shave this beard– Oliver teased – I know.

- How? – Thea asked, hugging Oliver right after Diggle.

After everyone else hugged Oliver and expressed how much they missed him, Oliver stared at everyone in that room. Teams Legends, Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Anyssa, who he somehow knew, even if he never had met her before while he was alive, Talia and Nyssa Al Ghul were all there, staring at him and waiting.

- I'm still trying to understand how I came back to life, I know a few things, but some others are still a bit confusing, so I'll tell you what I can. – He started, bringing everyone's attention to him.

And it was true. He knew everyone was shocked at him coming back, but he was just as much as shocked as everyone else. Prometheus filled in some things, but there was stuff he tried hard to tremember, but couldn't. It was like his mind was blocking something. He only wish he could figure it out soon.

– As you all know, after I got my soul back, with the help of Constantine and Diggle, I became something else. Spectre. I made sure to bring the multiverse back; doing anything I could at my final moments to make sure everyone was ok. The thing is, something, an unknown force brought me back since I couldn't find the peace I hoped I would once everything was set and done. I didn't understand why, until I found myself in the Artic, a few months in the future, and found someone there. Prometheus.

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