Chapter 2

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Zari sat comfortably in the library of the Waverider, looking distracted with her phone in her hands while Constantine tried for the 20th time doing some tracking spell to help find Rama Khan.

- Bullocks! Something's interfering... – He said, looking annoyed at Zari. – I can't believe you're in your phone while we're trying to find that creature...

- I'm not IN my phone, John... I mean, yes, I'm using it, but I'm trying to help as well!

- And how's that? How can... – He approached her and stared at the screen of her phone – How social media can help now?

- You need to open your mind and think a little... See, bullies, when they don't get what they want, they do anything to draw attention to themselves somehow. They need that, to make sure everyone knows "they are the boss", you know?

- And how this can help us? – Constantine looked confused at Zari.

- The same way bullies behave like that, wanting attention, people do the same, they need to post everything on social media, trying to go viral and become famous like... I am – Zar smiled – Fame is something people are obsessed with. So as soon as our bully do something, it will pop up here, because people want to be the first to report something, in the hope that this will get them famous... And that's when we'll find him.

Constantine thought about it for a while. Zari had an unconventional way of doing things, things he was not used to at all, but he figured it it must be like this to other people when they dealt with him, people that didn't understand or even knew magic existed.

- I'm impressed, love.

- I know... I'm much more than just a pretty face. – She sent him a kiss, smiling as she kept focusing on what she was doing

Oliver and Prometheus walked in silence until they reached a cabin in the middle of nowhere. It looked like the place was abandoned and Oliver was a bit unsure about what Prometheus had in mind.

- Why did you bring us to an abandoned place? How can we find help here?

- The place is not abandoned... Just follow me!

Prometheus pressed the compasso n his hand and they waited. In a few seconds, they saw someone opening the front door and coming out, looking around. He looked confused and suspicious.

- Pat Dugan? – Prometheus asked, making the guy jump. – I'm sorry...

- Who wants to know?

- I'm Adrian Chase and this is my friend Oliver Queen, from another Earth. We need JSA'S help to get him back home...

Pat looked scared at him, ready to dodge that affirmation with some excuse but Prometheus interrupted him.

- I know you're the robot S.T.R.I.P.E and I know your team is hiding inside. We really need your help. An entire world depends on it.

- How do you... – He looked around to make sure there was no one else around them.

- You can let them inside. – Justin said in a cryptic way as he stood in the doorstep, watching the scene.

- Well, if you say so... – Pat looked at him, still unsure, but he trusted his old friend. – Let's get inside and you can explain this thing about another Earth.

The whole gang, Barbara and Mike were in the cabin's living room and before introducing Oliver and Prometheus, Pat told them about Justin's confirmation that they really needed help and were not their enemies.

- Can we really trust what Justin says? – Rick asked a bit skeptic. – They could be easily working the Injustice Society...

- They're not – Justin said, still sounding cryptic, but no one dared to question him after all they had learned about the guy.

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