Chapter 9

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Oliver, Kara, Thea, Brainy, Alex, Anissa, Cisco, Caitlin, Mick, Nate, Ray and J'onn waited at the Star Labs cortex as Kendra and Carter joined them, followed buy a guy that Oliver assumed to be Thanagarians leader, since he had a helmet on, huge wings, golden armor on and something that looked like a mallet.

- Guys, this is Hro Talak, he's our commander – Carter said, introducing the guy to everyone while they looked at him suspicious.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Oliver Queen – Hro Talak reached for his hand, but Oliver kept his hands to himself.

- I'm Kara Zor El – Kara said, reaching for the guy's hand and looking serious at Oliver.

Everyone introduced themselves, except for Mick, that ate a sandwich and just waved his hand, not caring about whoever that guy was. The rest of the team kept staring at Carter, Kendra and Hro with suspicion, since they knew both Thanagarians lied to them and even if Carter told them why, no one actually wanted to trust him or Kendra again.

- So, can you tell us exactly what is going on? Carter made it sound like it was serious; to make you all come down here knowing Earth has its teams to protect it.

- It is serious. – Hro Talak said as he took off his helmet. – Gordanians are really dangerous, you couldn't handle them by yourselves and we knew it, that's why we came. I still need to make sure there isn't one hiding in here. – He said as he looked at Mick, finding his behavior weird. – Otherwise we wouldn't be able to install the device to protect the planet. It's the only thing that has a chance against them.

- If there was anyone here that wasn't supposed to be here, we would know, trust me. – Cisco said, noticing Hro Talak's gaze – He just like to eat a lot, he's not an alien.

- None of them are, but me. I'm a kryptonian! – Kara said – He's human, just as everyone else in this room.

- Still, we have been fighting Gordanians for a long time, we've seen them destroy planets and we can't let it happen to Earth. – Hro said.

- And why did you threat Kendra? – Caitlin asked - We don't like to be lied to.

- The plan couldn't fall into the wrong ears. And I'm sorry, but we don't have any time to waste, our troops are on our ships outside, waiting for the device to be installed. This will create a shield to hold any attack they try to send here.

- Ok. Cisco, Caitlin, can you show them around? I'm sure you guys can find somewhere safe to install this thing – Oliver stared at Cisco and nodded slightly with his head. Cisco smiled and nodded back.

- Sure, this way... - He said as Caitlin followed him to show Hro Talak the place with Carter and Kendra joining them.

As soon as they left, Oliver stared at the rest of them and took a deep breath.

- I don't like him – Mick said as he finished eating – He's lying, I can't sniff it from far away.

- I don't trust him... - Oliver said. – And I agree with Mick, he's lying.

- I agree – Kara said – But we need to procceed with caution.

- I couldn't read his mind or reach for anyone in the ships outside. It's like they have some sort of blocking on their minds... - J'onn said

- I have a really bad feeling about this... - Ray said – Vandal Savage once told us, way before Crisis by the way, that he did what he did to protect Earth from Thanagarians...

- We need to – Constantine said as he started to sense something really dark lurking around them.

Things in the Wave Rider weren't looking any better and everyone just held tight on their seats while Sara warned them all to prepare for a rocky landing. Barry, Clark, Reneé, Nia, Diggle and Dinah stared worried at her.

- What's happening? – Diggle said as he looked terrified around him. – Are we crashing?

- Probably... - Sara said – But don't worry, we've crashed many times before and everyone's ok...

- That's comforting... - Diggle said, still not used to space ships and stuff like that.

- There's no need to crash this time – Clark said, getting off of the seat – I'll go outside to help. Are we in 1624 already?

- Yes, we just popped in – Sara said

- Great.

Barry opened Wave Rider's doors so Clark could go outside in super speed and closed them again, really fast. Clark flew outside and tried to hold the front of the ship, slowing it down until his feet touched the ground and gently put the ship down. One by one of the team started to come out and Clark smiled, happy that it worked.

- Is everyone ok?

- Sort of... Diggle? – Sara said as she stared worried at him – Are you ok?

- I'll survive... It was a bit shaky...

- So, we're in Scotland, in 1624... Clark I think you need to come inside and change, we can't draw attention to ourselves – Sara said as she showed Clark where he needed to pick his disguise.

- This is so cool...and weird – Nia said as she looked around, still proccessing the fact they were in the past.

As soon as everyone was ready to go, they used Gideon's information to try to find Sonny inside an old castle that gave them really weird vibes.

- This is giving me horror movie vibes... I don't like it – Renee said and Dinah just patted him on the back

- Don't worry... Whatever happens, we can handle, my friend. – She smiled as they walked.

- This is the right place? – Nia asked, trying to feel comfortable in that horrible dress she had on – Honestly, how anyone could wear stuff like this?

- You tell me, look what I'm wearing – Diggle said as he stared down at the green plaid ankle length skirt, the knee high white socks. – I'm ridiculous - He had a brown shirt on with slashed doublet, wide reticella lace collar and cuffs, and a broadbrimmed hat.

- At least we're blending in... Let's go, we need to find Sonny – Sara said – And yes, we're in the right place according to Gideon. If we don't rescue him here, it will cause a massive aberration that will have severe consequences in the future, so we need to be careful and bring him back whatever it takes.

After fighting a guard or two while they searched for Sonny, Sara abruptly stopped walking after entering one of the huge rooms of the castle, making the rest of the team bump into her and look in shock at what made Sara freeze in shock and look furious.

- What the... - Barry said.

- Oh, you're here! Surprise!

Lex Luthor looked at the heroes, smiling satisfied as one by one prepared to jump and fight him at any second.

- How the hell did you get here? – Nia said, in disbelief.

- Oh, I have my ways and of course I won't tell you. – Lex said with a terrifying calm voice – Now I should tell you this: you're all waisting your time. I already found him... Yes, I know what you're after, who you're after and why.

- If that was true, you would already have gone back to whatever lair you're using now. The fact that you're here, alone, trying to gloat to make us believe you just proves you haven't found anything. – Barry said – And we won't let you find him. Is over Lex, give up.

- Is never over until I say so – Lex said – Oh, one more thing. I've made some upgrades... It doesn't matter how; I know you'll ask but what really matter is that I can equally kick your ass...

- Not if we do it first! – Dinah said, as she used her canary cry, making Lex cover his ears.

Clark, Barry and Dinah surrounded Lex as he fought back, showing them he was telling the truth. They had no idea how, but Lex now had some powers, so things weren't as easy as they thought it would be. Nia nodded at Sara, Renee and Diggle and they went to look for Sonny while she joined the fight.

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