arc three: part nine

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im so so sorry for the late chapter, i promised myself i'd release it early but i forgot to finish it aaaa

anyway, hope u enjoy regardless

"You want me to hunt down TimeDeo?"

The agent in front of him nodded gravely, pushing his dark sunglasses up. Dream found himself mirroring the action, pushing his mask further up his face so that it showed the lower half of his mouth. "What about Technoblade?" The hero asked, staring at the agent through the mechanical eyes of his mask which gave him a view wider than that of a regular human's. "He must be injured from the consecutive fights with Purpled, Sammy, and Eighty. He won't be able to put up much of a fight,"

The agent shook his head, sighing. "We have no idea where he is. However, we've finally traced NOLIFE's hideout, which was an abandoned warehouse a few minutes away from the city. If we ambushed it with a team and a hero or two, NOLIFE would be all jailed. We won't be able to focus on Technoblade if that lowlife gang was still around," he explained. Dream nodded slowly.

"Sure, is anyone else coming?" He drawled, pushing his mask up higher with a finger.

"No, but if you think you need help, then we can definitely pull another Netherite-"

"No, I don't think I do," Dream cut the agent off. This was his time to shine, not anyone else's. Even if he didn't move up a spot or two, his public rating would, and eventually, he'll rise to the top. A smile spread across his face- him on the number one podium at the annual ranking assembly. Him being handed the golden award of number one by a smiling announcer. Him being known worldwide instead of just in America. He could see the bright lights in his face, could see the looks of envy his competition would give as he wore a huge grin.

"Dream?" The agent's voice cut him out of his fantasies. "You are meeting the team here at 9 pm, got that?"

Dream blinks then gave a wide smile. This was his chance. This was his shot to number one. He thanked the heavens for this offer before answering, "Yes sir."


"That's amazing!" George exclaimed, clapping him on the back as Sapnap smirked proudly, crossing his arms. "I- Dream, that's amazing!" George repeated breathlessly, beaming. "This is your chance! This is-"

"-my shot," Dream finished, taking his mask off as soon as he entered the house. "I know,"

"You know, you told us you weren't stopping at number ten as soon as you were announced as it," Sapnap piped up, pride showing from behind a mocking grin. "Guess you really aren't,"

"And he's not stopping any time soon!" George laughs, locking the door behind him and falling onto the couch. Sapnap sat down beside him. George stood up straight abruptly, still smiling. "I'm gonna make tea for us!" He shouts before dashing into the kitchen like an excited puppy. Sapnap's gaze followed him before turning back to Dream and beckoning for him to sit with him. He complied and took a seat next to his friend.

"So, big shot," Sapnap droned, swinging an arm around Dream's shoulders lazily. "What comes after the ambush?"

The hero chuckled, leaning back into his friend's arm slightly. "Assuming I don't die, I dunno, really. Don't worry, I won't die,"

In the background, there was the sound of George filling the kettle with water. Sapnap paused before turning to Dream with dark eyes. The change of demeanour startled Dream, from a sarcastic lazy friend to brooding and perceptive. Sapnap leaned in, forcing Dream to lean back sharply. His eyes were narrowed.

"You won't die," Sapnap echoed. "Is that right? You won't die because there's so much to do. When will it be enough for you? You've come so far, you got the fame you always wanted, your name will be etched in the books. Fame was all it was about in the beginning, right?"

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