arc two: part five

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"Not one, not two, but ten Technoblade supporters participate in a suicide bombing of [REDACTED] Central Park, killing just short of 50."


"That's fuckin' disgusting,"

Traves is inclined to agree with Cscoop's statement. Of course, who wouldn't? It's one thing to thirst after a mass murderer. It's another to obsess and attempt to be him.

"I don't understand people who support him," Traves utters under his breath. "I really don't. I hope they get a therapist. I hope they are okay," he sinks back in his chair, almost falling off and causing Cscoop to muffle a chortle.

"They obviously aren't," the blond says nonchalantly. "I mean, we're on a planet with seven billion people. There are some sickos here and there," Traves winced at the harsh nature of the comment but dipped his head in shameful agreement.

"Totally maniacs," Cscoop remarks bitterly, taking a sip from his coffee and then making a face. "I forgot to put sugar in this," he explains when Traves looks at him with concern. His friend let out a little "ah" in understanding and pulled his Shiba hoodie hood over his head.

"This sucks. Ted's out of commission for at least another few months so we're already in a hole," the Aquatic Hero sighs, fetching a sugar packet from the cabinet and tearing it open. Traves mumbles something incomprehensible, glancing away.

Cscoop appears to have noticed this. "Hey, I wasn't saying the rest of us aren't competent!" He defends. "I'm just saying there's a surge of villains now and we may need help- who knows what will happen?"


r/Technoblade is now a private subreddit.


Posted to r/Technoblade by u/iGalaxz

Hello everyone! Galaxz, r/Technoblade owner here.

I know many of you live in the United States, so I will just come out and say it- on November 6th at exactly 12PM, we will be rioting/protesting against heroes at this location. We will be meeting at the [REDACTED] Park and then protesting at the shopping square.

We need to make sure everyone knows heroes are unreliable and worthless. Spread this to anyone else who you know would be interested. Share it on Twitter or other social media but keep it on the down-low so no heroes will suspect anything.

I hope to see many of you here.


65 upvotes, u/[deleted]

I can make it! I may be late for a few minutes, but I can definitely make it. My friend can as well.


"Welcome everybody! We're doing a Just Chatting stream today,"

Tommy's face lit up at his viewers' enthusiasm. He had a lower viewer count than usual, dropping from the average twenty-six thousand to twenty-four thousand. It didn't matter, though, as the people who were watching were happy and ready to ask questions.

"Hm," Tommy hums. Thunder boomed from outside his window, making him flinch. "The past few days have been rather stormy here in England, eh?" He chuckled, reaching over his monitor to look outside the window. "There's no way you guys can't hear that racket," he concludes.

The streamer slides back into his seat and scrolls through his chat. "Uh, what did you do for your birthday?" Tommy reads out and promptly puffs out his cheeks. "It was MONTHS AGO, man! Get on the trend! Anyway, I streamed and then went to a restaurant with-" his words were cut by a crackle of lightning, followed by thunder. Tommy rolls his eyes at the interruption.

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