Its just Killua showing off

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I woke up to the sun in my face. I groaned, shielding my still closed eyes.

"I thought I closed the blinds..." I opened my eyes to see Aizawa standing next to the blinds. Oh. He had opened them. I groaned again, and sat up. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Morning time. We have things to do today. I wrote out a test, so your going to do that, and then we are going to U.A."


I got out of bed, trudging out of the room, still half asleep. I entered the kitchen (I'm amazed I found it) and was greeted by a loud Yamada. "HEY! MORNING KIDDO!" He yelled. I covered my ears, and nodded at him. I paused at the table, unsure where to sit.

"Sit anywhere Kid!" he motioned to a seat next to him, so I sat there. Aizawa came shortly after, and breakfast was quick. I didn't need to change, since I couldn't, so Aizawa handed me a bunch of papers, presumably the test, and told me to sit down. He brought me a pencil and eraser, and told me to start taking the test.

"Wow, formal test taking area." I commented, a half of breakfast still on that table. Aizawa glared.

"Wait. While I can speak Japanese (This isnt canon i just added this so it makes more sense), I cant read it, or write. How am I supposed to take the test?"

Aizawa grunted, looking slightly annoyed. "Right, we'll have to teach you that. For now I'll just.... read the questions to you." I nodded, and Aizawa sat close, ready to read questions.

When I finished, Aizawa grabbed my paper, told me to brush teeth, then meet him outside. "I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom, it's the blue one. Just use my toothpaste for now."

I brushed my teeth, and met him outside.

"Where are we going? To U.A right?" I asked. Aizawa nodded, and opened the car door. I sighed and slouched into my seat.
"Hopefully the ride won't be too long..."
(AN: Sorry if this seems too fast paced!)
I stepped out of the car, stretching my arms. The ride thankfully wasn't too long. Aizawa began walking, and I followed. I was brought to what looked like a city.

"You guys just randomly have a whole city?!" I asked, shocked. Aizawa nodded.

"Anyways, your going to be doing the entrance exam. All you really have to do is defeat the robots. I'll be scoring points, and Yamada..." He glanced at him. "Will uh... be supportive? I'm not sure." I snorted, hiding my mouth into my mouth.

"I CAN BE SUPPORT! IM GREAT AT THAT!" Yamada yelled. I covered my ears.

"He's so loud..." I looked around, and looked at Aizawa. "So, when do I start?"

Aizawa grinned creepily. "Right now." At those words, robots began appearing. I raised my brow at them, before sighing.

"All of them? Shouldn't be a problem with my godspeed, but do I want to reveal my power to them? Fuck it let's do it yo." (Had to)

I activated godspeed, rushing towards them. I went from robot to robot, overloading them with electricity. They fell to the ground pretty quickly. It all took about 1 minute.

I breathed out, before looking for more. Ah. The second wave was already coming. There were a lot more, but I was more charged up than before. I did the same procedure as before, only faster.

I did break a sweat, but not much. I exhaled again, somehow on a building. I probably moved on instinct. I looked over for any more robots, before suddenly hearing a loud groan. I whipped my head towards the sound, and spotted the biggest robot out of all of them. It was as big as the buildings, and was crushing them. I stared at awe at it before jumping from building to get to it. When I was about 5-6 buildings away from it, I got a little nervous. It was way bigger up close.

"You got this. Your Killua Zoldyck." I told myself, and jumping up on top it. the robot didn't seem to notice, surprisingly. I sparked electricity into both of my hands, slamming them down on its head. It coursed through its entire body, making it seize up before starting to fall down. I punched the head for extra effect, destroying it. I jumped off back onto a building, watching it fall. It looked almost beautiful. I watched it for a minute more, before speeding back to the entrance.

Aizawa and Yamada were both staring at me with shocked expressions, mouths slightly open.

"Holy shit kid..." Aizawa whispered.

An: hahahah cliff hangers! love them 😌 anyways thank for voting and commenting! I'll try to post more often, I'm just super lazy, and school 😅 thank you! <3

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