Chapter 25

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Diana and I took a shower, scrubbing each other's back while delivering kisses.
After that we had eaten dinner and simply laid on the sofa, our bodies laying sideways as I held her, patting her belly. It was around three in the morning by the time we woke up when Diana left my embrace to brush her teeth. "I think that was the best lovemaking I've ever had," she said, strolling around in a fresh tank top and pink pajama shorts. I smiled and added, "Better than the last time I made love to you?"
"Way better than the last time."
I chuckled and got up, putting on my white shirt and buckled my pants.
Diana sat on my lap, pressing her forehead against mine. "I can't wait for you to become a dad," she murmured, putting my hand on her stomach. I thumbed the softness; one other thing I admired was how plump her belly was before she told me the news. I often fell asleep on it if I was on top. She pecked my lips before hopping off when I stopped her. "Hey, hey, hey...don't you wanna relax for a bit?"
"Well, I would like to."
She sat down in front of me, facing away. I pushed her blue night robe off her shoulders and cupped them. I could still smell her coconut shampoo used for her curls wafting from her tresses as I rubbed her skin. Goosebumps rose from her while I was slowly getting aroused. My penis hardened, almost pushing out of my boxers. Diana stayed silent as I rubbed her shoulders, then petted the back of her head. Pulling down the strap of her tank top, I murmured, "You're the only thing that makes me wanna last forever." She laughed and kissed me. "I hope I've helped you feel better," she said. "You have, but I just wanna ask you a question," I added.
"And what is that?" she asked.
"Well," I said, scratching my head, "I don't wanna sound crazy, but ever since I met you...I've met other girls who have the same beauty mark as you."
Diana instantly froze, her olive tone turning white. She turned around, her eyes as wide as saucers. "What?" she asked in a tight, low voice.
I stood up, continuing, "After you left and I went on my date with Abigail, I saw that she had the same beauty mark as you. Then when I went to pick up your makeup, the woman behind the counter also had it. I'm only asking that to make sure I'm not seeing things."
Slowly, Diana began backing up, her hands in an almost defensive gesture. "I'm pretty sure it's just a makeup trend. I've gotten lots of compliments about it."
I knitted my brow. "'re acting kinda funny right now. I just need you to answer my question...and another thing: you said that you knew all the men before they were murdered and mutilated."
"That's because they were my friends!" she cried, her voice strained with tears.
" need to relax. Let me make love to you again."
"That's okay; I don't want our baby to jump around...I rather just go to sleep, alright? I'm really tired," she said, making her way to her room.
"Wait!" I blocked her way with my arm. Her eyes widened more and she flushed.
"I came all the way here after a close friend of mine was murdered and only asking you a simple question."
"I already told you: it's most likely a makeup trend."
"I don't think that's what it is," I said, walking towards her while she walked further away. "Ca-Can you just leave now? Please!" she softly begged, water dripping from her eyes.
"What's the matter, Diana? I thought we loved each other? You sound like a stranger."
I cornered her into the kitchen counter, heavy sobs coming from her. Diana had a pained grin on her face. "Baby, come...I only want you to answer me."
As I reached out to her, she roared and grabbed a knife. "STAY AWAY!" she nearly screeched.
"Just calm down. Please, Diana, I want your ans"-
Next thing I knew, she slashed her nails across my forearm...only her nails were claws this time. Thin slits were carved into the sides of her neck. I shoved her into the coffee table, glass shards flying everywhere. I grabbed her leg, begging, "Diana, please answer me!" She kicked her way out of my grip, jumping up and swung her arm around. While I managed to balance myself, Diana landed her hooklike claw straight through the palm of my hand. She slipped it out, leathered wings now sprouted from her bloodied back. She opened the bathroom door and immediately locked it. I ran my hand under the kitchen sink and tied a rag around my palm. "Diana! Diana, where are you!" Brooke's voice came from behind the front door, her foot kicking the door. I grabbed the cleaver and walked to the door, unlocking it and stood behind it until Brooke broke in with a baseball bat. "Diana! Mistress, where are you?"
"In the bathroom," rasped Diana, her voice now scratchy as if she had a dry throat. I gripped onto the cleaver when Brooke faced me, and immediately lodged the cleaver into her mouth, flesh squishing and teeth breaking. A spray of blood covered my shirt and made a pool around her feet when she fell backwards, violently twitching. I dragged myself to the bathroom door. "Diana, open up."
My heart broke into many shards when she didn't answer. What I did know was that she's not human. "Diana, baby, please," I choked. "Diana, the door. Open the door! Diana!"
I hit the door and furiously kicked it until the painting on the wall fell and my foot broke the wood. "Brooke! Where's Brooke?"
"She's not here," I lied, looking back at the body. "It's just you and open up AND TELL ME: WHAT ARE YOU!"
"Brookie, are you okay?!"
"Yessss, mistressss," I heard Brooke hissed behind me. I faced her and she had removed the clever from her mouth. Her face was dripping raw blood, the wound splitting her mouth from ear to ear. We struggled until I threw her into the door, breaking it and she was no longer moving. I stepped in, and saw Diana hunched over in an unnatural position. She, herself, no longer looked human: her nails were as sharp as needles, flaps of skin hanging off her limbs, and some of her bones were exposed to my naked eye. Her legs bended backwards like a deer and ram horns stood out from her temples. Eyes were now crimson with black slits and her teeth were fangs. "Diana...what are you?"
"Leave me alone!" she rasped, her spine arching as though she were a frightened cat. "Just go!"
"No, you need to understand!"
She cowered near the bathtub, hiding behind the shower curtains. "Put your claws away! Diana!"
She hissed and roared, reaching out to me and tried to cut me. "Diana! Diana, calm down!" She continued roaring until they turned to screeches when I pulled the curtain off the rod and wrapped her struggling figure in it. She still struggled and wriggled before I restrained her.
"Just calm down," I finally said in a relaxed tone. "Calm down...just relax, just relax...shh."
I tightened my arms around her until she went limp. "You're okay, you're okay.'re gonna be okay."

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