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Marzia's POV

I was at home recording a video for my channel and waiting on Felix to get back from the store. I ended the video. I heard the door shut. "Felix?" I said from the kitchen. "Yeah." He walked into the kitchen with me and we put the stuff up. "Where's the milk?" "Well shit. I'll be right back." He jumped back into the car and drove back to the store. I don't really like it when Felix cusses but I mean im pretty much used to it. I walked into the bedroom and played with Maya and Edgar. A few minutes later I heard something downstairs. "Felix?" I yelled. No answer. "Felix?" I screamed louder. Still nothing. I walked into the living room to see a man with flesh peeling off of him. He looked dead. His eyes were white and he was limping. It looked like a zombie off of some horror movies I've seen. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone. I automatically called Felix. I know I probably should've called the cops but oh well. "Hello." "Felix where are you?" "Im pulling into the drive way. Why?" "Be careful when you come in! There is someone in there and they look dead. I don't know what to do," I said obviously panicked. I heard a car door shut. I opened the window. Felix looked at me. He grabbed a metal pipe, then opened the door. I heard all kinds of bangs. I got scared, and I help onto Maya. Then the door flew open. Felix was in the door way with a metal pipe with blood on it. I knew what he'd had to do. I didn't know what to do. "Marzia," Felix yelled befor rushing over to me, "are you okay?" "Y-yeah I'm okay." "Good. We need to get out of here!" "O-okay." Felix started gathering stuff while I just stop there for a second. "Felix?" "Huh?" "I love you." I said and hugged him. A tear ran down my face as the thought of being without him crossed my mind.

Felix's POV

Marzia held onto me, as I tried to figure out what was going on. I remember playing The Walking Dead and The Last of Us, and both of those games had things sorta like those. They were zombies, and I already knew we had to hit them in the head. "What do we do?" "I don't know." We grabbed the stuff we needed and Maya and Edgar then we left. We opened the door then one of them tackled Marzia. "Ahhh!" She screamed. I started grabbing the thing trying to pull ot off her. I grabbed a baseball bat. "Get off her you son of a Bitch!" I screamed while hitting it. I helpd Marzia up. She wasn't bitten, but she was crying. I hugged her. She was shaking. We walked outside and made our way to the car. We threw our stuff in the back and then we jumped in. That was a little to close. I can't imagine life without Marzia.

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