Chapter 16

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June's POV

The midsummer dance was absolutely spectacular! Benny told me that he had a crush on me! I never thought that would happen. Heck, I didn't even think it was possible. It gets better though. We kissed! Can you believe that? It still feels like a dream even though I know it wasn't. It was real. All of it was real!

It was the day after the dance and everyone was at the sandlot like normal. Nobody suspected anything. Nobody suspected anything about Benny and I. We were keeping our relationship a secret. We wanted to see if everyone could figure it out without us telling them. So far, they were absolutely clueless.

DeNunez had just thrown his, as he calls it, "heater" when I heard the sound I hated most. The sound of bikes. Bikes meant that Phillips and his team were here. I turned around and there they were. I was going to tell the boys that Phillips was here, but they already saw him. They had already taken off their mitts and they were walking towards me.

Phillips immediately started saying shit about all the guys. It turned into a full-fledged argument. A massive amount of insults were being said. Some of the insults were very harsh. I was surprised that some of them were actually being said. The argument ended with Phillips challenging us to a baseball game. We accepted because of course we did. We were playing on his turf at 1:00pm tomorrow.

Nobody was nervous about the game. We had beaten Phillips and his team many times before. I knew we would do it again.

Phillips didn't ruin our day. We continued playing ball and having fun. We were all very excited when we went home. We were pumped about destroying Phillips and his team at baseball.

The next day...

We got to Phillip's field at 1:00pm sharp. The game started right after we arrived. We had a great start to the game. None of the boys on Phillips's team could hit a damn ball! That wasn't shocking though. All of them were more talk than skill.

It was now our turn at bat. All the guys had good hits. They weren't home runs, but they were awesome. Everyone had hit except for Benny and I. Benny went first and, unsurprisingly, hit a home run. Benny was amazing at baseball. He was going to go on to do great things someday. This measly game was just the start of it all.

I stood at home plate and tightened my grip on my bat. I could see Benny watching me from the sidelines. Phillips was standing next to him. He whispered something to Benny. I can't read lips or anything like that so I had no idea what he said. Whatever it was, it made Benny furious. I couldn't think about that now. I had to focus on the game. I would just ask Benny about it later.

The pitcher threw the ball and I hit it right away. It went flying across the field. It was a home run!
"That's my girl!!" Benny yelled. Well, there goes our plan of keeping our relationship a secret. I truly didn't care though. I honestly prefer being able to show everybody that we are together.

I ran around all the bases and then walked over to the sidelines. I walked straight towards Benny.
"So what happened to keeping our relationship private?" I asked with a smirk.
"I forgot about that," he said.
"Clearly," I laughed.
"Hey, now I can kiss you in front of everyone," he had a smirk of his own now.
My smirk widened. "Oh really?"
"Mhm," Benny didn't finish speaking. He instead kissed me to prove his point. I obviously didn't care. I wanted him to prove his point.

We separated and saw the guys and Nancy staring at us. Their mouths were wide open and they were kind of gawking at us.
"I was going to wait to tell you all this, but we are dating," Benny announced. Everyone smiled and clapped for us.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Nancy gushed. Everybody else said something similar to that. They were all excited about our relationship.

Everybody walked home after the game. As we were walking, I asked Benny the question that was on my mind earlier. "What did Phillips say to you during the game?"
"He was just saying that you sucked at baseball and stuff like that. He said he knew you would get three strikes," Benny answered.
"That was it? Why did you get so mad about that?" I didn't understand why Benny would get so angry about something so minor.
"I always defend your honor June," he put his arm around me. I laughed and he did too. I should have known it was just Phillips being a jerk.

We were all proud that we demolished Phillips once again. Today was a good day. There were multiple reasons why. Beating Phillips was only a part of it. The main reason was everyone now knew about my relationship with the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.

Author's Note: Chapter 16!! I watched the Sandlot the same day I wrote this chapter. It was kind of weird watching it after starting this fanfic. I created June while watching the Sandlot one night. I essentially inserted her into the movie. I imagined her in all the scenes and I even added scenes in my head. I created a Benny and June romance storyline in the movie. That's where some of the scenes in this fanfic came from. Watching the movie again was just kind of a surreal experience. Sorry for the long ramble lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊❤️
Like usual, I proofread but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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