Chapter 2

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June's POV

Today was the day Nancy arrived. I was honestly really excited. I haven't seen her in a very long time. So, I knew spending an entire summer with her was going to be amazing.

Nancy and her mom, my Aunt Denise, walked into my house with smiles on their faces. Nancy immediately hugged me, hugged me very tightly. It was clear she was just as exited to see me as I was to see her.
"June!! You look so different! I mean that in a good way! You are absolutely gorgeous!!" She chirped.
"Thank you Nance! You are so beautiful!!" I chirped back. "It's so good to see you again!" I added on.
Nancy smiled and giggled. "I know, we haven't seen each other in forever!" That wasn't a exaggeration at all. The last time Nance and I saw each other was when we were toddlers.

We all talked for a few minutes and then my mom motioned for us all to sit in the living room. My Aunt Denise looked around the house skeptically. My mom and I exchanged nervous looks. After what felt like a FBI investigation, my aunt's lips turned into a wide grin. My mom and I both released a deep breath we didn't realize we were holding. My mom even smirked. It was a satisfied smirk.

That smirk only widened once my aunt spoke. "The house looks really nice."
Nancy even agreed with that sentiment. "Yeah it does." I could tell my mom was throwing a celebratory party in her mind. To be frank with you, I was too. This was a gigantic victory for the two of us.

We all talked for a bit longer, but I had to cut the conversation short. It was time for me to go to the sandlot. The game was going to start soon. I was about to say something, but my mom spoke for me. "I know what time it is June."
Nancy's ears perked up. "What time is it?"
I jumped at the opportunity to answer her question. "Do you remember how I told you about the sandlot?" Nancy nodded and I continued. "Well, it is time for me to go there and play ball. I play at the same time everyday."
"Oh I remember you talking about that!" Nance said. I practically saw the lightbulb go on above her head. I then remembered that I had to invite Nance to come to the sandlot with me.
"One thing before I go," I made sure I had her attention, "I told the boys at the sandlot about you and I want to introduce you to them. So, do you want to come with me?"
She looked at her mom and her mom nodded her head. That meant that Nancy could come with me. I could tell by just looking at her and her mom interact. The two of them had a weird wordless language.
"Yes! I would love to go!" She exclaimed. We said goodbye to our moms and then left.

I walked to the sandlot with Nancy following close behind me. We reached the sandlot and just like before, Benny immediately noticed my presence. He grabbed everyone's attention and they all jogged over to me.
"Hey guys, this is my cousin Nancy," I explained and gestured towards Nance. All the boys said different variations of "it's nice to meet you". Nancy also said a version herself. "It's nice to meet all of you, you can call me Nance." I told her everyone's name and they all got acquainted. I have to admit, I saw the way some of them, more specifically Ham, were looking at her. I couldn't be that mad though, Nance is absolutely beautiful.

"So Nance, do you want to try and play baseball?" I asked her after the introductions were officially over.
She gave me a worried look. "I think I will just stick to watching and cheering for now."
"Alright, do what you want. If you ever want to play baseball just let me know," I replied. "Though, you should probably learn from me or Benny because everyone else sucks," I joked. All the guys, except Benny obviously, instantly became offended and yelled. They weren't seriously offended or actually yelling at me. They know me well enough to understand that I was just messing with them.

My joke caused me to immediately break out into laughter. Benny also entered a fit of laughter. He turned towards me and held his hand up for a high-five. I, of course, high-fived him. Everyone else eventually started chuckling with us.
"Let's just play some ball," DeNunez said in a fake annoyed voice. He tried to act annoyed, but he could barely hide his laughter.

We didn't waste any time, we promptly went and started the game. We played baseball with Nancy cheering us on from the sidelines.

Author's Note: So this is the second chapter! I wrote it at 3am, but that doesn't matter. 😂
I hope it's good! I also hope you enjoyed and liked it!! 😊❤️
Just like last time, I proofread it but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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