Chapter 14

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Benny's POV

About two weeks had passed by and now it was the day of the midsummer dance. If you are confused, let me catch you up. See, Nancy coerced, that was putting it nicely, us into going to the dance during the last week of June. However, the dance didn't happen till the second week of July. Remember, it's the midsummer dance. Not the beginning of summer dance.

As I said earlier, it was now the day of the dance. The dance was held at our town's high school. I personally thought that a high school was a odd location for a summer dance. I wasn't the only person who had this opinion. To quote June, "Having a summer dance take place at a high school is the most ironic thing to happen since the creation of irony." I remembered that quote word for word. I think the reason it stayed in my brain was because it made me laugh so much. June has a tendency to do that though. She is one of the funniest people on the planet.

I stood with Smalls in the corner of the school gymnasium as we waited for everyone else to arrive. We were waiting for two people specifically. June and Nancy. All the guys were there, but they were off doing their own thing. I wasn't exactly sure what they were doing, but I had a idea. I believe "their own thing" was either trying to pick up girls or dancing while attempting to have some kind of rhythm. None of the guys could dance, none of them.

Smalls and I talked for a few minutes and then we heard the way too loud sound of the gymnasium doors opening. We looked towards them and saw the two people we were waiting for. I want to relay the feelings I felt when I first laid eyes on June, but I can't. There are no words in the entirety of the English language that can properly describe what I felt. She looked stunning. She looked breathtaking. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Her eyes scanned the room and they eventually fell on me. She smiled and started walking towards me. Nancy was two steps behind her. They soon reached Smalls and I.
"Hey guys," June said.
"Hey, how are you two doing?" Smalls asked.
"Well I'm in a dress so not good," June joked.
"You better cheer up because you look amazing!" Nancy countered and nudged her cousin's arm.
"I'm glad you think that because you are the one who put this outfit together," June replied.
"I did do that," she was undoubtedly proud of her work. She was so proud of it that she went on an entire tangent about the process of choosing each part of the outfit. She talked in detail about the small white earrings, the black dress that was covered in white flowers, and the black flats that June wore.

The four of us talked for a while before June and Nancy left to go get drinks. The guys rushed over to me the second they left.
"Benny, June likes you and you should confess to her tonight," Squints said quickly. It was so quick that it was almost inaudible.
"I'm sorry...what?" I was extremely confused and I honestly didn't know what was going on.
"Listen, Nancy told us that June likes you," Ham was really serious. That's how I knew this was real and he was telling the truth. Ham was never serious.
"Why did she randomly tell you?" I asked. It seemed weird that Nancy would just tell them that out of the blue.
"Well...we have actually known for a while. We have been trying to get the two of you together," Smalls was ashamed to admit it.
"Are you serious?" I asked dumbfounded by what I just heard. They all nodded slowly.
"Just confess to June," Squints pleaded.
I sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll do it. It will end well, right?"
"It will!" Ham was serious again.
"Okay, I trust you guys," I said. A slow song suddenly started playing. It was "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka. One of the most romantic songs in the world.
"This is a perfect opportunity! Ask her to dance and then confess!" Timmy exclaimed.
"You say that like it's easy," I responded.
"Just go!" He practically ushered me away.

I took a deep breath in and prepared myself for what I was about to do. I was about to confess my feelings to the girl of my dreams.

Author's Note: Chapter 14!! I'm sorry the actual confession isn't in this chapter. You have to wait for it lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It had a really cute moment that I hope you liked!! 😊❤️
As always, I proofread but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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