Jealous Kiddo...

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2018, NCA Banglore...

Yuvraj Singh is at NCA for his post-injury training after his leg sprain. Training alone is so boring. He even nagged Bajju to fake an injury and join him but that idiot didn't.

On Last day of his training, U19 team has joined NCA as they have training camp accompanied by their coach Rahul Dravid to help them.

And Yuvi was so excited... It had been so long that he has met Bhai. And now that Bajju has refused to come, He will get complete attention and pampering. He will click so many pics and make those idiots jealous. He had everything planned. He will complain about everyone, He will ask(read: Wince) Bhai to take him out for lunch, They will practise together...etc... etc

The moment Dravid entered the NCA complex, He was welcomed by an overgrown kid jumping on him...almost making him fell. But thanks to years of experience, he balanced himself.

"Bhaiiiiiiii... You are soooo happy to see me. Aren't you? I know you missed me." Yuvi screamed in Rahul's ears.

"Ha... Baba... Ha. But nor I'm deaf neither I want to be one." Rahul spoke holding Yuvi.

"Ha? Even I don't want you to. I have so many things for you to listen to. But why did you say that now?" Yuvi asked confused moving back a little.

Rahul shook his heads smiling... Yuvi ka kuch nahi ho saktha.

"Bhai... You know what... " Yuvi started but Prativ came interrupted him. "Rahul Sir... you have to sign the register before team checks it."

"Ya... I'm coming." He nodded.

"Yuv... It will take time. You go... do your training. I will come to you later." he said patting Yuvi's back and left before Yuvi could protest.

Much to Yuvi's displeasure, Rahul was busy the entire morning. Yuvi finds him alone for a min and runs towards him... Some kids come up with "Rahul Sir... how to do this?" Or "Rahul Sir Can you help me with this." And he goes giving a sorry smile to Yuvi.

Currently, he is grumpily sitting in NCA canteen murdering his food with a fork because Rahul Bhai is Apparently "Busy".

Sniffing angrily he took up his phone and dialled a number angrily.

"Why are you not in Bangalore?" Yuvi made an angry demand as soon as the other person lifts the call.

"Yuvi?" responded a sleepy voice.

"Anil Bhai...why aren't you in Banglore... I miss you." Yuvi winced.

"Ha? Yuvi? It's 1:00 AM here... and You called to ask me WHY I'M NOT IN BANGLORE?... Listen I'm not in Bangalore because I'm in California... Got the answer? Now let me sleep." Anil spoke clearly irritated.

"Bhaiiiiiii... You are being mean." Yuvi complained.

"Not more mean than not letting people sleep Yuvi. I'm tired, Bacha... Call Dada and eat his brain all you want...Bye." Anil said and cut the call without waiting for Yuvi's response.

Angry Yuvi called Dada... wincing about "How no one loves him", "How everyone is being mean to him", "How angry he is." And Dada had no other option but listen.

The afternoon session was no different. Rahul ate with kids and is still Busy. Yuvi at a point seriously want to shoo them off but then They were literal kids. somewhere half of his age and some even less. So He didn't shoo them or bully them. He is just grumpy and sulking to himself.

Some Kids came to him in admiration but Grumpy Yuvi said them with the full attitude that "How they have a long way to go. and they shouldn't let success in under19 games or Ipl into their head."

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