"Oh, those," she responded nonchalantly, "It just let's criminals know that the business or area is being monitored 24/7 by the Detroit PD. Like they would even get here fast enough."

"And, make a right on this next street, and an immediate left after that."

Luna sat next to me, giving me directions to her apartment. I slowly became uneasy because the longer I drove, the worse the neighborhoods got.

"Okay, this next turn is the street," she stated, proud of her flawless direction giving.

I pulled up to an apartment building and was struck with surprise.

The windows that were street level were boarded up and the main door was adorned with metal bars and a metal door that pulled down for extra protection. On a post to the right of the entrance sat a green dome light that looked different than the street lights on the rest of the stretch of road. But as I looked at the gas station and park on the opposite side and the liquor store next to it, I saw matching ones.

"What's that for?" I asked, pointing at the strange lights. It wasn't dark yet, so they weren't on, but they had to serve some purpose.

"Oh, those," she responded nonchalantly, "It just let's criminals know that the business or area is being monitored 24/7 by the Detroit PD. Like they would even get here fast enough."

She laughed at her own joke as if what she just said was normal.

I decided to change the subject, deciding that there had to be something redeeming about this place. "Is that the park you were telling me about when you first moved in?" I nodded in the direction. It seemed nice enough, kids were playing on the swings despite the chilly weather.

"Oh yeah, I don't go there anymore after these women got murdered. If I do though, I gotta carry my pepper spray."

I looked at her with the most shocked look on my face.

"Hey, it's the outskirts of Detroit, I don't know what you expected. Now, come on, it's getting dark and we still need to eat." She took me by the sleeve of my jacket and pulled me inside, past the front desk, and into the dimly lit elevator.

"I know this really good place downtown," she continued, "It's where I used to go after concerts with Nina. It doesn't really look like much on the inside, but I promise you that you'll love it."

It was silent for a second. "I hope you like hot dogs."

The doors of the elevator opened to a long hallway with beige walls and dingy carpet. The doors that lined the walls were white with numbers that were once a shiny silver. We walked to the end of the hall to apartment number 418.

"I just want you to know that this is basically the penthouse of this place, I would be honored," She giggled.

The apartment was empty. The walls bare, no furniture besides a bean bag chair and folding table was anywhere to be seen in the living room. She had been here for three months already? I followed her into her bedroom which consisted of a blow up mattress and a desk.

My heart broke.

she must've sensed my concern because she just sighed and shrugged. "Luke is out on bail with house arrest so I haven't been able to get any of my furniture yet. If the trial goes well tomorrow, everything should be moved in by the end of the week."

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