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sorry for the delay. anyway, here's drama. enjoy.


Despite how big of an accomplishment it had been for the three years that had passed, Theo still struggled to comprehend which one is which at situations when he should feel something.

But right now, he's sure that he's feeling stressed if Liam keeps this discussion up.


"If you hadn't left. What could've happened then?" Liam repeats absentmindedly whilst staring at the night sky.

It's another night on the hill for them, only this time, they didn't meet up unexpectedly. Theo was there first though, and had texted Liam then to come join him (it's definitely just for company). He couldn't shake the thought of him kinda bothering the beta, no matter how many times Liam had to tell him that he doesn't mind. Of course, Liam calls too but not as often as he does. They're supposedly just a once in a week thing for the both of them yet somehow, it turned into a strange routine for them to meet there almost every night and Theo doesn't want to overthink but he's already running out of reasons as to why he had to stay longer to where they are at the moment. Strangely, Liam seemed to insist on staying either and he isn't exactly subtle about it.

The chimera shrugged, not really thinking about what to respond to his question. "I'm not sure," He paused. "What I do know is that if I stayed, I could've helped you take your lazy ass off your moping."

Liam huffed a laugh. "I can see that."

Theo can see the beta's head nodding a bit, indicating that he's getting tired himself, so he shifted his shoulder a bit just so the other can lay on it. Instinctively. of course. He just doesn't want the guy's head to suddenly fall off.

Gratefully, Liam took the invitation without a thought and sighed softly to the feeling of having something to rest his head on.

"You could've also helped me with other things, you know?"

Theo hummed in question, feeling his own drowsiness rise itself.

"Like... With my control? I know you could help me with that."

"What about your control?"

Liam bit his lip, hesitating for a moment, before speaking. "Theo, I knew what you are."

Theo side glanced him, his eyebrows pinched by how confused he is and wondered where the discussion is going but the smirk on his mouth showed that he couldn't help but be amused. "No duh, Liam. I introduced myself with it. Fashionably too."

Liam shook his head slightly before moving away to face him, eye to eye, expression now serious. "Not that. You- Me- How we stay sane. You know what I mean." He stammered, frustrated.

Theo, smirk now replaced with a confused frown, turned to face him properly. "No, Liam, I don't."

Liam searched his face before ruffling his hair and let out a frustrated grunt. "Goddammit, Theo. I know you know this. You know what I meant."

"Stay sane? What are you talking about?" Theo pushed on. There is only a few things that popped in his mind and if one of them might be the one to whatever Liam is trying to say here, he's not ready to know yet.

'Anything that involves Liam, really.' Theo thinks, his nerves mixing in his sleepiness as a familiar feeling and really, it's still not one he recommends having.

"You know-" Liam pointed him and himself in a frustrated manner, one that Theo could've found funny if it weren't affecting him in an alarmed way back. "How I stayed in control whenever I was around you."

"If you keep talking in riddles, I think we're gonna have all night figuring out what you meant by all that." 'Just play dumb, why not.'

Liam makes another grunt of frustration. "You're my anchor, Theo." He emphasized.

'There we go.' Of course he knew, he's not gonna stay clueless for too long. Still, it's a surprise to hear when Liam said it. Theo thought he wouldn't want to bring it up. He gulped.

          Both boys stayed silent for a bit, Theo noticing that he looked away from the other boy who, in return, is waiting anxiously for his response.

"Since when?"

"The day after we captured Monroe. After you left." Liam answered immediately, though Theo didn't miss the wince he had when he mentioned his leave. "I had an assumption before that but I- I didn't want to be unsure so I hadn't minded it."

"And you didn't bother telling me before I left?"

"How am I supposed to know you're leaving? You only told Derek and disappeared!"

"What did you expect? For me to stay? Liam, you know I have nothing there! I don't have a pack nor friends like you or Mason so I might as well leave."

"You had me!"

Theo's breath hitched as well as Liam exhaling deeply, deep blues meeting stormy greens.

"I'm- I'm not saying that you shouldn't have left because I know how much you're alive here, more you. And I'm glad that you are, I really am, but- fuck. Look, I know it's early but I wanted you to know that I knew. Nothing else."

Theo picked up the jump on Liam's heartbeat, but the truth in his tone when he ended it isn't false so he ended it there as well. He blinked and took a minute to ponder before turning to him, only to find that he's looking away and the smell of his anxiety made Theo clench his hand into a fist.

"... How were you?"


"Your control."

Liam twitched. "It was... wasn't great. I struggled a lot on the weeks after you left. The only thing that kept me grounded for a while was your beanie, but even that didn't work for long."

'I'm sorry.' He wants to say but he knows that's not enough.

"Until now."

Theo stared as they made eye contact once again before blinking.

"... Okay."


Theo slowly smiled. "I'll be your anchor."

Liam snorted then sniffled, scrubbing his hands on his face as he chuckled. "Really? That quickly?"

"Well, I mean, I doubt you'd find anyone else who knows how to babysit you without running away." Theo grinned as he shielded himself from Liam's punch. "Three years and punching is still your first reflex? Come on, Dunbar."

"Shut up." Liam laughed.

The chimera's grin softened. "I'm not leaving this time."

Insecurity hints in Liam's eyes as his smile turned small. "You sure? You could always just ignore me."

Theo growled, his eyes quickly flashing gold. "No. I promise I won't leave."

'Not this time.'

Liam grinned before scooting over to rest his head back on his shoulder. "I'm holding you onto that."

Thiam: Times When We're TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now