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Liam groaned as a familiar ringtone rang from his phone. Annoyed, he begrudgingly shifted himself to the side table as he felt for his phone.

'Where the hell is my goddamn phone?'

Succeeding after a few attempts (he almost dropped his clock on his head, for one), he grumbled when he pressed answer, not bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Wow, who turned you into a sourwolf?" Theo's voice dripped in amusement. Liam scowled to nothing in particular.

"I don't know. I'm not exactly the one who's calling me at twelve o'something and in a bad mood." Liam sassed.

"Oh relax." Liam can practically see him rolling his eyes. "Surely your first day in the carwash wasn't so bad."

"No, but I would love to sleep from using my energy on my advance reviewing mixed with my first day of my summer job."

"Liam Eugene Dunbar, studying? Weird."

"Bitch." He hears Theo giggle from the other side which made his sour mood a bit light. "Why are you calling?"

"Oh, uh, nevermind that." Theo stammered, suddenly nervous. "I just called to see if you're busy. Guess that answered my question."

Liam's eyebrow furrowed, thinking about any meaning behind his statement. "Why? Do you need anything?"

There was shuffling on the other line. "No, I just thought you'd like to go for a run but since you're sleeping, I guess I should leave you alone."

Liam's eyes widened, his mind now completely snapped awake at the offer and definitely not because he also wanted to see the chimera.

... Okay, he may have denied that thought a little bit.

However, before he could even say a word, Theo already ended the call with an: "okay, bye."

Liam stared at his phone and cursed Theo for calling him. Not because he disturbed him, but because he's now fully awake with the full intention to not go back to sleep and should've agreed with Theo quickly. Also, because he thought Liam wouldn't want to go running with him because of different reasons, and it's not only the sleeping part.

'Theo you lovely son of a bitch.' Liam thought, now more annoyed than ever. He turned on his phone and called him.

He waited until he hears a reluctant 'hello?' from the other line.

"Where are you?" He asks as he slides from his blankets and starts to change his clothes.

There was a beat before he replied.

"At the woods."

"Okay. Wait for me."

"Liam, you don't have to-"

"Just shut up Theo, and wait for me." Liam cut him off before ending the call.

Once he's dressed, he took his car keys and phone from the table and walked out of his apartment, his annoyance still lingered but it wasn't as much as before.

"Damn you, Raeken."

When Liam arrived where they usually meet at the woods, he was met with his truck but the chimera was not in sight. He can smell him yes, but his scent was everywhere (or maybe because he's still half-asleep and his senses is going haywire at this time). Panicked, he quickly looked inside and around Theo's truck but he was nowhere to be found.

"Theo!" He shouted, watching and sensing for the other male. "Come on, it's early. Can you not pull this shit right now?"

No answer.

Thiam: Times When We're TogetherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang