“Maybe,” she paused, “I’ll think about it.”

“SNAPE!” Sirius roared when he finally found him on the staircase leading to the astronomy tower. Snape stopped dead and turned around to face the furious Sirius who was walking angrily up the stairs towards him taking two steps at a time.

“What have I done to deserve this?” Snape spat out, trying to keep his voice cool and sarcastic even though he knew exactly what had gotten the boy in front of him so upset.

Sirius was fuming. “What have you done? Are you kidding me right now? Did I not just see you running away from your sister of all people, pretending she didn’t exist? She’s quite literally the only person who cares the slightest bit about you and you ignored her like she had the plague or something. What is wrong with you?” he yelled.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Black.” Snape retorted calmly. He knew by now that yelling at an angry Sirius Black didn’t do much good, staying calm and collected pissed Black off more than anything when he was already mad. Something good had come out of many arguments between the two through the years. Snape had finally learned what Sirius’s pressure points were.

“It is my business, because Karolyn and I…” Sirius hesitated, suddenly not knowing how to continue. Karolyn and him, what were they exactly?

“Yes? Karolyn and you, what? How is my relationship with my freak of a sister any of your business, please enlighten me!” Snape sneered viciously, but that had not effect on Sirius. He was taken aback by Snape’s use of the word freak to describe Karolyn. She was anything but a freak.

“What do you mean by freak?”

“I’m not surprised she hasn’t told you. If she had you wouldn’t be protecting her like this. You wouldn’t defend her, if you knew what she’s done. She’s a monster. Just like Lupin. They’re monsters in human disguises, and I’m done being toyed around with. She’s got no control over me anymore. That changed when she attempted to kill me. Stay away from her. She’s a monster.”

“You’re lying.” Sirius spoke quietly, as if he didn’t quite believe his own words. Snape just snorted.

“Go ask her yourself. Confront her.” He looked out the window, “or maybe don’t. It seems like she’s found consolation with another freak. I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat, but I’ve got a class to get to.” Snape grunted with a sarcastic tone before continuing up the stairs.

Confused as to what Snape meant, Sirius looked out the window again only to see Karolyn in a close embrace with Remus. He felt like a knife had just punctured his gut. He knew Remus had been interested in her in the beginning of the year, everyone had been, but Sirius had thought the infatuation had passed with time.

Apparently not.

Sirius ran down the staircase again, and continued down through the castle until he reached the main doors. From there he had an even better vision of what was happening. Karolyn basically sat on top of Remus with her head buried in his shoulder and Remus had his arms around her, rubbing her back slightly.

Sirius clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. He felt betrayed by them both, he was about ready to run outside and confront them both when Lily and James appeared.

“Oi, padfoot, where’d you run off to?” James said casually. Glancing one last time at the scene outside, Sirius turned around to look at his two friends.

“I went to talk to Snivellus about the scene he caused at lunch. I told him he couldn’t do that to Karolyn.”

Lily and James shared a knowing look, “It was bad. But I actually think he was completely entitled to acting that way. She caused him a great deal of trauma.” Lily said hesitantly. “I love her, I do. But she’s got some… uh… issues.”

“Snape called her a monster.” James and Lily didn’t respond to that, they kept quiet and both looked slightly guilty, “Is she?” Sirius asked.

“It isn’t our secret to tell, Padfoot. Go talk to her yourself. If you ask her calmly, she’ll probably tell you.” Said James.

“I can’t ask her. She’s out there with Moony.” Sirius looked defeated. He took it really hard that she had just gone to the next guy she found.

“Oh, for God’s sake. I told Remus to go out there,” Lily exclaimed, “he has no interest in her, I just thought he might be able to talk to her. He knows how it feels to be different. She needed to hear that from him. She was out there alone crying her eyes out after Snape walked out on her. Don’t be such a prat. She likes you not Remus. Get over yourself, Black.” She ended her little speech by slapping Sirius across his cheek. “Sorry, I felt that needed to be done. I needed to slap some sense into you.”

“James! Control your girlfriend!” Sirius laughed as he reached up to ruffle up James’s hair.

“Shut up, she’s not my girlfriend you ass!” James grinned, barely avoiding his friend’s attempt to mess up his hair. But Lily didn’t think it was funny. Without a word she left the two boys.

“Oh, you made her mad, Prongs.”

“Bloody hell… Evans!” James ran off in the direction Lily had gone, leaving Sirius alone again. When he looked back out at Karolyn and Remus, he saw that they were now both standing. Remus had made her laugh. She was holding his hand. Then they hugged and Remus turned back towards the castle. He locked eyes with Sirius, and discreetly gestured for him to come outside.

They crossed right outside the doors, “Go talk to her. She’s got something to tell you.” Remus whispered. Sirius nodded slightly and walked straight towards Karolyn.

She seemed surprised to see him, but she quickly put aside her surprise and kissed his cheek carefully. Sirius almost forgot what he wanted to talk to her about, when her looked into her beautiful purple eyes. He just wanted to hug her and kiss her and forget anything bad had ever happened.

It felt like a punch in his stomach when he noticed how bloodshot her eyes were, and he saw how her cheeks were still wet from tears. He wanted to protect this girl from any harm.

“I have to tell you something.” Karolyn said hesitantly, avoiding his gaze. 

“I have to tell you something too.” Sirius paused, “May I go first?” Karolyn nodded, looking slightly confused.

“I don’t care that something is wrong with you. I don’t care that you tried to kill Snape, that makes you part of the group, because that has, believe it or not, happened before, and he’ll get over it eventually. Do you know why I don’t care?” Karolyn silently shook her head.

“Because I’m in love with you, and nothing you can say will change that. I love you, Karolyn.”

Karolyn Bouvier - A Girl With A Secret [A HP FanFic Marauders Era]Where stories live. Discover now