Deception, Disgrace

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"Gentlemen, in L'Manberg I have grinded for a secret weapon," Eret announced.

"What is it?" Wilbur questioned.

"The element of surprise," Eret said coolly. He knew what he was up to.

"This is the moment where Eret is gonna pull out a giant missile," Fundy, who was still nothing but diamond leggings, joked. The men shared a laugh.

"I've been grinding for equipment, I've been grinding for materials," Eret went on as he dug out a secret area in the hills within L'Manberg. The army was shocked to see it. A tunnel. "This way gentlemen. I'm excited to show you. They will never see this coming." Erets' tone said otherwise. The army, led by Eret, snuck down the tunnel and into a single room.

"This is the Final Control Room," Eret explained as the men filed into the blackstone room. It only took Wilbur a moment to realize it, but it was too late.

"There's nothing in the chests," Wilbur said as Tommy pressed a wooden button in the middle of the room. Everyone began screaming as Dreams' army flooded out through a hole in the wall. Harming potions were thrown and the L'Manberg army was destroyed.

"TRAITOR!" Wilbur shouted as Erets' sword plunged through his chest. Dream signaled to his army to begin ripping the armor and tools right off of the bodies of the L'Manberg army.

"Down with the revolution boys," Eret hissed, ripping Wilburs' chestplate off. "It was never meant to be."

"Eret, how could you?" Wilbur said weakly, struggling to breathe.

"Eret, I farmed with you for hours! I thought we were friends!" Tubbo cried. Tommy, despite his horrific injuries, was first to rise.

"Eret, listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible," Tommy growled in the most powerful voice he could muster. Wilbur watched his strong son in awe. "You fucked up." Wilbur was stunned. He never expected his youngest son to be so brave.

"Farewell gentlemen," Eret said, saluting Dream. Dream laughed maniacally and led his army out of the Final Control Room.

"Father?" George asked.

"It's over for the traitors. I'm sorry for what I did son," Eret held George tightly.

"I've missed you," George said.

"So have I," Eret said. "When this is all over, we'll have to spend much more time together. I owe you it to make up for what I did."

"Agreed," George said, fighting tears. He had missed his father more than words could describe. Eret was thrilled to have his son back in his arms again.

Wilbur helped his men out of the trap and into the caravan.

"What're we supposed to do? What do we have? We were doing so well. We were winning," Wilbur cried, sitting down. Tommy walked over and held him close, tending to his fathers' wounds. Wilbur held his sons close to him, comforting his injured army.

"I can't believe it!" Tommy cried. "Out of all of us, why Eret? I gave him my trust."

"Eret, no!" Tubbo whined again. Eret had been, aside from Tommy, his best friend. "Why him?"

"He's a monster," Wilbur said blankly. "He knows our power, our plans, and he's gonna share that with them. Do we have anything that can combat them?" Wilbur went around the room, asking his men what they had.

"Let me just play some nice sad music," Tommy said, indicating that he had nothing.

"Nothing," Tubbo said plainly.

We Are The WarriorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora