The Final Duel

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"Down the hole!" Tubbo screamed, fearing for his life.

"When did you make this?" Wilbur questioned, running behind Tommy and Tubbo.

"I had a lot of time!" Tommy responded. "Follow me!" He led them into a small obsidian bunker.

"I thought, the odds are, they're probably gonna win this war-" Tommy started.

"Sneak! Sneak! Sneak!" Tubbo yelled, trying to keep the location a secret.

"So I thought, here's what we're gonna do. I don't think we can win this. You know have we have left Tubbo? We have each other. I'm gonna play the music disc that Dream forever tried to steal from me." Tommys' most prized items were his discs, and everyone wanted to hold the power and honor of having one. He slotted "Cat" into the jukebox. The gentle melody soothed the warriors. "Now in this last moment between us, I'm really not sure how long we have left. Any last words?" The fear that statement brought to L'Manberg couldn't be spoken aloud. "This was kind of a last-plan bunker. I was hoping to majestically mine it and for Father to go 'Oh that was so cool of you!'"

"Father, this is the point where you pull out the sly last move. Please," Fundy begged.

"What's the plan?" Tubbo asked.

"Listen," Wilbur said. He hated what he was about to have to say. "There is no sly last move. Basically we have such a lower opportunity here that we probably need to just accept the conditions of surrender. They've entrapped our land, they've set up bombs on our land, they've destroyed our homes. I would be a bad general if I did not look for conditions of surrender. Tommy, as my son and second in command, I want you to come with me to meet with King Dream and talk with him. Everyone may come, but we will do the talking. I want you to make sure you don't run your mouth either. No challenging Dream on his honor, no none of that."

"Okay," Tommy agreed.

"You did well Tommy," Wilbur said, noticing his sons' disappointment in himself. "It's just a shame that it has to end like this." They walked together to a midway point on the lands. The armies met face-to-face.

"Look Dream," Wilbur began. "I'm here to negotiate surrender."

"Okay," Dream said.

"I'd say we fought well, yes?" Wilbur asked.

"Uh, you could say that," Dream said with a smile.

"What do you mean, 'you could say that?'" Wilbur asked. Dream cackled loudly. Tommy couldn't hold back anymore.

"You!" he started. Wilbur silenced him and repeated himself.

"With how much you were against, you fought well. You had such a big disadvantage-" Tommy cut the King off.

"Dream, don't say that to us. We fought incredibly alright? You egotistical green," Wilbur stopped him before he could finish that, holding back his laughter. Tommy really does sometimes take after his father.

"You fought incredibly well, but we just fought a little bit better," Dream said. Tommy snapped.

"DREAM, YOU KNOW WHAT?" he began.

"Tommy," Wilbur tried to calm him down. "Tommy, calm."


"Tommy! Your passion will get you nowhere!" Wilbur cried.


"TOMMY!" Wilbur shouted. Tommy took a deep breath. "My son doesn't speak for me Dream, I assure you."

"You blew up all of our shit Dream. What do you have to lose? Let's do it, lets 1v1. I don't care," Tommy said.

"What was the one thing I asked Tommy?" Wilbur said, frustrated.

"What're the details of the 1v1?" Dream asked. Wilbur froze.

"Bow duel. First to be struck loses. Ten paces apart. I know what you want Dream. You want power, popularity, and land. Here's your chance," Tommy said.

"I'd cry if I became popular because of you," Dream hissed.

"Dream. Look at me dead in the eyes. A one versus one for L'Manberg. Me versus you alright?" Tommy offered.

"Tommy this isn't worth it," Wilbur said.

"Father, we have to do it," Tommy said. Wilbur pulled his son into his arms.

"Your life is worth more than this revolution," he said.

"Look around us Father," Tommy said. "For the independence."

"My son does not speak for me Dream, but this is something you're willing to do and something Tommy is willing to do, then I will let it happen," Wilbur said, releasing his hold of Tommy.

"If you win, then you can have independence, okay?" Dream said with a smile. "If you lose, you don't get independence, Wilbur dies, and I get Mellohi."

"The disc and my fathers' life," Tommy confirmed after a moment. "Deal." Wilbur admired his sons' bravery. He could only hope that he was powerful enough to save his life.

"It's sundown," Wilbur said solemnly, glancing at the setting sun. It very well could be the last sunset he would ever witness. "Get ready."

"I need a bow," Tommy said. Wilbur approached Punz.

"Do you have a bow?" he asked peacefully.

"Not a bow that you could have," he snapped back.

"Listen, I'm not fully supporting your decisions, but, from one brother to another, good luck," Fundy said, handing Tommy his best bow. Fundy and Tommy have had their disagreements in the past, but Fundy trusted his little brother to do well.

"Let's do this on the wooden path," Tommy said. They began to walk there.

"Tommy, this is for the revolution. This is for independence. This is for my life. Don't take this lightly," Wilbur said, helping Tommy onto the pathway. The spectators filed around to view the duel.

'What happens if I miss? What happens if I mess this up?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, this was your condition. I told you that the passion and the fire in your heart is brilliant for the war but it's not good in these situations. You've really got yourself in a mess here. I trust you however. You've grown into a brave young man. Good luck," Wilbur said. Tommy nodded and hugged his father. He approached Dream slowly.

"Do I shoot him Father or do I aim for the skies?" Tommy asked, glancing back at his father.

"I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do son," Wilbur said, letting his faith rise.

"Alright Dream, we're gonna do it on this flat path," Tommy said.

"Let me just clarify. If you win, we grant L'Manberg independence. If I win, L'Manberg falls for good," Dream said.

"Correct," Tommy and Wilbur said in unison.

"Please shake hands," Wilbur said. Respect was big in his life. They complied. "Now, backs to one another. I will count to ten. When I say the word fire, you may turn around and shoot. Do you both understand?"

"Yes," the duelers said.

"Ready?" Wilbur announced. He began counting. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten paces. FIRE!" Tommy misfired, then dove straight into the water and managed to evade Dream for a moment. He climbed back onto the path. Dream almost tripped on a step and misfired once. His second shot however, struck Tommy in the chest. He fell backwards in pain. Dream and his men jumped with joy. Wilbur dropped to his knees and slammed his fists into the dirt.

"It has been settled. Now, Tommy. I am expecting Mellohi and your father to be given to me. As soon as they are, we will ceasefire, and the lands of L'Manberg will be returned to my nation. You have until tomorrow at dawn. Spend your last moments with your father wisely. Clear out men!" Dream ordered. Both sides left to their respective bases.

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