Looking around, I noticed that there was a treadmill, an area that seemed to resemble a boxing ring, a bunch of exercise equipment, a pull-up bar, and a stationary bicycle. Feeling comfortable, I decided to use the stationary bicycle – I needed to strengthen my legs and muscles now that I got accepted in the Cheerleading team. Earlier today, the Coach told us that we would cheer for the Basketball, Football, and Soccer team which was going to require a lot of work. Unfortunately, Cole was on the Basketball team, Gavin was on the Football team, and Adrian was on the Soccer team. The thought of Gavin watching me cheer would be a disaster; he probably would try to find flaws in every single aspect of my routine. Regardless of what occurred, this would not end well.

While attempting to pull that thought out of my head, I exercised on the Stationary Bicycle for half an hour until I decided to use the treadmill. For some strange reason, I enjoyed running and was quite good at it. If I didn't get accepted into the Cheerleading team, then I would've tried out for track. After I finished my exercise routine which lasted an hour and half, I cautiously went to my room, took a shower, and got changed. It was 5:45 now and I still found no sign of Gavin. Perhaps he left?

Before he left, Adrian had said that there was food in the fridge. I wasn't hungry, but I decided to see if there was anything that I could use to cook with. Just because I wasn't eating didn't mean that my brothers weren't. It was nice of them to accept me into their household instead of letting me go to foster care. Although Gavin was a jerk and some of their rules were rather interesting, I still wanted to show my gratitude.

Looking in the fridge, Gavin must've already eaten because there wasn't any food. Looking in the pantry, I decided to just cook spaghetti with sauce, nothing too complicated. By the time I finished, the door opened as Stefano, Jett, Adrian, and Cole walked in.

"Hi," I mumbled. "I made you some dinner."

"Thank you, Sierra. Did you eat yet?" Jett asked.

"I'm sure she did," Adrian remarked. "I told her and Gavin that there was some leftover food in the fridge. You did get a chance to eat it right?"

"Yes, I already ate."

"Wonderful, you may be excused for the rest of the night. Thank you for making dinner," Stefano said.

I walked to my room, when I felt something or someone pull my arm into a spare room. I looked up and saw Gavin. His face was a red as a tomato and his facial expressions clearly showed that he wasn't happy by any means.

"You really thought that you could avoid me?" he snapped. After getting to know him a little better, his remark didn't scare me as much as it did a few hours ago. I wasn't afraid to give a smart response, but I also wasn't stupid; triggering him to a certain point was going to result in a serious consequence.

"No," I spat. "I knew that I couldn't evade you. You were going to find me one way or another. I guess that I just preferred to delay the inevitable as much as I possibly could. I hope that isn't a problem. But to fulfill your unrealistic demand, we can always reschedule." I smirked in response, only for it to result in Gavin nearly slap me; he was about to until he pulled his hand back. If only I could shut up.

"Shut your mouth," Gavin threatened. "If you don't, I'm going to tell Stefano and Jett that you were buying drugs at school. And then we'll see who has the last laugh."

"But I wasn't buying drugs," I insisted. "Whoever told you that was lying."

"I trust Jace's judgement. Besides, if you have nothing to hide, I'm sure that you would be fine with me searching your bag."

"I suppose so."

As I entered my room, I made sure to remove the painkillers from my school bag. I showed it to Gavin and he wore a frown as he couldn't find any drugs in my bag.

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