Part Fourteen

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Taylor's POV
I wake up to Candace shaking me "What" I ask "My Mom is about to come in get off" she says and I see we're entangled together so I get up and she does the same "Why was this door locked" Her mom asks "Because it's my room" Candace says going to the bathroom, her mom is looking at me weirdly so I look down and forget I don't have a shirt on "Here" Candace throws me my shirt "Thank you" I say putting it on quickly. Her mom looks me in the eyes and I don't back down, she then leaves. "What's up with your mom looking me in my eyes" I ask "Well you did have no shirt on, the door was locked and she knows I'm gay" Candace says "True, that does look a little weird I guess" I say changing my clothes "You should wear a crop top" Candace says throwing me a shirt "What? No" I say "But you should show off you abs" she pouts "You just want to touch my stomach all day" I laugh "How about I put a tight shirt on" I say trying to compromise "Fine" she says "White" she says and I pick a white tight shirt.

"Why do you look so sexy today?" Autumn asks me "What do you mean?" I ask looking at my outfit, it's just the tight white shirt semi tucked in my black ripped jeans with white low top vans "Did you dress her?" Autumn asks "Yup" Candace says confidently "I can tell" She laughs and hits my stomach "Hey!!" I complain "Come on we're going to be late" Candace says grabbing our hands and pulling us to our first class.
It's finally lunch, I'm so hungry. I didn't eat much breakfast because Mariana was staring at me the whole time "Can you tell your wanna be girlfriend to stop eating my food" Autumn whines as Candace sits beside me "You mean my girlfriend?" Candace smirks "What!!" Autumn yells "Why didn't you tell me" She says throwing a fry at me that I catch and eat "I didn't think I had to" I said "Oh forget you" Autumn says handing me her fries and I smile. We're all just talking then Candace spills water on my shirt "I'm so sorry babe" Candace says for the first time, babe I like the sound of that "It's fine" I smile lovingly at her "You called her babe just so she wouldn't get mad" Autumn laughs, I see Candace staring at my shirt so I look down and realise you can see my stomach through it "Did you really wet my shirt just so you could see my stomach?" I laugh "Nooo" she says, we both look at her "Maybe" she smiles "I'm not wearing one of those school shirts so I guess I'm stuck with a tight wet shirt" I say and Candace smirks still staring at my stomach "Well I know what's about to happen when y'all get home" Autumn smirks and so do I and Candace blushes.

It's the end of the school day, Candace kept getting called on because she would stare at my shirt the whole class but when it eventually dried she payed attention in class. When we walk out the doors we hear people yelling and screaming so we go over there to see what's happening. We push through the crowd and I see my brother punching some kid "Leon!!" I yell and grab him, Autumn grabs the other boy "Why the hell were you punching him" I ask making sure Leon has no scratches or bruises "He was being a dick" Leon yells "What did he do?" I ask trying to calm him down "He's a dick he deserves to get his ass beat" Leon yells trying to get away from me "Leo calm down" Ari says "I know it's okay" she says and he calms down a little "Leave!!" I yell and the crowd leaves to go home "Whats up with him" I ask Ari "The boy was being...disrespectful so Leon punched him" Ari told me "What did he do?" I ask "Nothing, we're going to go home" Ari says grabbing Leon and their stuff.
"Is Leon okay?" Candace asks me "He's fine but their acting weird" I say watching my siblings get on the bus. The three of us start walking to the car lot "Whats that on your neck?" Autumn asks Candace and I look, shit her makeup is rubbing off "Nothing" she says trying to cover her neck "Oh my GOSH, you gave her a hickey!!" Autumn says "Shut the fuck up you're loud" I say "Did y'all have sex" Autumn asks "No" I tell her pushing her onto the grass "You just gave her hickeys and stopped" Autumn laughs "Pussy" she says and I chase her to the car.

We get back to Candace's house "Good you're home" Mariana said when we walked through the door "Hi I'm Autumn" Autumn said shaking Mariana's hand "Nice to meet you" Mariana said nicely. She didn't get a stare down or a weird look, that's not fair. "We're going to my room if you need us" Candace said grabbing our hands and taking us to her room.
"How come she didn't get the stare down like I did!!" I whine "Because she likes me" Autumn says "So your mom likes your friends but not your girlfriend" I complain "Tae she's my mom of course, that's how it works" she laughs and kisses me "Your room is huge" Autumn says, this is the first time she's been in her house "Want to go swimming?" Candace asks "Sure" Autumn says and I agree too. Candace lets Autumn borrow a swim suit, they are wearing bikinis and I'm wearing a sports bra and shorts. We go down stairs and her mom is still staring at me, I'm so uncomfortable.
We get to the pool and Candace and I jump in immediately "Are y'all crazy it's probably freezing" Autumn says "It's a heated pool" Candace laughs "Of course it's is" Autumn says jumping in "All pools need to be heated" Autumn says feeling the water "I know right" I agree. We have a pool fight, both of them against me. I of course win. We get out the pool and dry off outside and and go inside, her mom was staring at me "Ooh what's that smell" Autumn asks "Rona is making dinner" Mariana tells her smiling then gives me a look.
We all take showers and put clothes on, we go downstairs for dinner.
"This is so good" Autumn says eating "She's the best cook" Candace smiles and I agree "So Autumn do you play any sports or anything?" Mariana asks her "Uh no, I don't" she says "How did y'all meet?" Her mom asks "Well she was getting a tour from a friend of mine and Tae and I decided to help Candace our and get her away from her" Autumn smiles and Candace laughs along with everyone else. Why is she being so nice with her, she hasn't asked me these questions, Candace clears her through and looks at her mom then looks at me "Oh um Tanner is it? Do you do anything?" Her mom asks not even caring to get my name right "Mom" Candace says "My name is Taylor and no I don't" I say trying to be respectful "Too bad" she says "Siblings?" Mariana asks Autumn "I have an older sister" Autumn says "Tae had a younger brother and sister who are adorable" Candace says smiling at me "Really are they like you?" She asks "What's that supposed to me!?" I ask getting defensive of my siblings "Just trying to make conversation" she says "No you're not. You have hated me since you first saw me. You greeted Autumn with open arms but you look at me like you hate me and you haven't even tried to get to know me. My brother and sister are amazing and no their not like me their better, so if you want to say something just say it!!" I tell her angrily "Tae calm down" Autumn says grabbing my wrist "No!! Why do you hate me!!" I ask, it's quiet for a moment "You like my daughter" she says looking at me "she likes you" she adds "I might not want my daughter to like girls but I'm still her mother. I know her type and I know how she gets when she likes someone" Mariana says, Candace is looking down and Autumn is invested in this conversation. "So you hate me because your daughter likes me?" I ask "It sounds stupid I know" Mariana says "But I would do the same thing if it was a boy" she tells me "It's not me hating you it's me not wanting her to grow up and date" Mariana says truthfully "Mom" Candace says "Yes" her mom responds "We're dating" Candace tells her "I figured" her mom says sighing "It's fine" she smiles at her daughter "I love you either way" her mom says and Candace hugs her "Thanks mom" Candace says and her mom nods "Go upstairs to your room all of you" her mom tells us and we do.
When we get to her room she starts to cry but she's smiling, Autumn and I hug her "She still loves me" Candace says "Of course she does" Autumn says. I wish my parents cared more about me then what some stupid book says. They are talking on the coach and I'm on her bed silent "Tae whats wrong" Autumn asks "Nothing" I lie getting up and putting my shoes on "Where are you going" Candace asks "Outside" I say grabbing my backpack and skateboard "Not with all your stuff you're not" Autumn says grabbing my bag "Get off" I say "No why are you doing this" Autumn asks "Get the fuck off Autumn!!!!" I yell "Whats going on with you?" Candace asks, I don't look at her "Is it because what my mom said? Or did?" Candace asks "Because your parents don't accept you" Autumn adds, I take a deep breath "Fuck them, fuck the bible, fuck everything" I say taking my bag from her and going out the door "Don't let her out that door!!" Candace yells running after me "Whats going on" Mariana asks standing at the door with Rona "She's trying to leave" Candace says "And go where?" Rona asks me and I shrug "Girls go back upstairs" Rona says "But-" Candace says but her mom tells her to go so they do.
"What's the problem?" Rona asks sitting me down "I want to go" I say "Why?" Mariana asks "I just don't want to be here" I lie "Whats the real reason?" Mariana asks "You like Candace there is no way you just want to leave" she adds "I'm in the way, I'm not your responsibility" I tell them "So let me go" I say "You have no where to go" Rona says "I'll go home" I tell them "I don't want you back there. We don't know what they would do" Rona says "Go back upstairs okay?" Mariana says "Why so you care you don't even like me" I say "I talked to Rona and you're a good kid, Candace really likes you so I like you" Mariana tells me, I sigh "Okay" I say going back upstairs.
"What the hell is wrong with with you" Autumn says pushing me when I walk in "You have her having a whole panic attack thinking you're going to get hurt" she says pointing at Candace who is crying in a corner "I'm sorry" I say pushing her back "I'm not going anywhere" I tell Candace who keeps her head in her knees "Candace, I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't want y'all to worry about me" I tell her, she looks at me then hugs me tight "I don't want to let go" she says "You don't have to" I respond holding her "Good" she says and I kiss the top of her head.


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