"Oh man, I liked this shirt" he whined.

"I said I was sorry" Murphy protested.

"Forget dry cleaning, you owe me a new shirt" he said.

"Fine" Murphy agreed reluctantly "You're worst than a woman" he grumbled before continuing to observe the drop off zone.

Ryan frowned "I heard that" he said.

"I heard that" Murphy mocked, annoyed.

"Hey, just because you're pissed at the sarge doesn't mean you can take it out on me" Ryan pouted.

"Shut up"

"I'm serious, I'm sick of your attitude-"

"No, I mean shut up. Someone's there" Murphy said, shoving the binoculars into his hand, to check for himself.

When Ryan raised the binoculars, he immediately spotted two guys either in their early 20s or late teens. They were glancing around a lot and they were clearly anxious. All the trademarks of a criminal's first offense.

"You sure, Murph? Those kids look barely out of high school" Ryan questioned skeptically.

"They wouldn't be nervous unless they've got something to hide. Now come on" Murphy said before stepping out of the car to follow after them.

Ryan sighed before following after him.


Ryan ducked behind some boxes when one of the guys turned to look over his shoulder. There was a pause before they continued walking again. Murphy was quick to pursuit while Ryan was still a little hesitant. As they were hiding behind a shipment container, Ryan grabbed Murphy's arm.

"Shouldn't we radio for backup?" he questioned.

"It's just two nervous kids. We can take them" Murphy said surely.

"What if they have other guys waiting for them? Armed guys" he questioned "Hell, we're not even sure if they're packing" he added.

"Please, those kids? They can barely keep a straight face, let alone shoot straight. We'll be fine" he said surely.

Ryan grumbled "Fine, but if I die, I'll haunt you forever" he said.

"That's fair" Murphy said simply "Wait, they're stopping" he realized "I think that's where they're keeping the drug mules" he said.

Ryan peered around the corner to look. And he spotted the two guys unlocking a shipment container.

"Let's go" Murphy said before they rushed over to the two guys.

"NYPD, freeze" Ryan announced, raising his weapon.

The guys jumped and turned to face them, their eyes widening in horror.

"Woah woah, hey. What's going on?" one of them questioned.

"What's in the container?" Murphy questioned.

"Uh.." the other one hesitated.

"Move aside" Murphy demanded then went to pull open the door.

But as soon as his did, piles of hay dropped onto him, covering him in it. But before he could even respond or give a reaction, he was pushed to the ground by some kind of force. Wiping hay from his face, he quickly noticed a mule, hovering over him, eating the hay that landed on him.

An actual mule.

"What the hell?" he said, trying to push the mule off of him, but it refused to move.

Ryan turned to the two guys, visibly confused "What's going on here?" he questioned.

"I'll tell you what's going on" a different voice spoke from beside the container.

Suddenly a whole group of guys appeared. They were all either wearing t-shirts or caps of Hudson University.

"You just ruined our initiation" the guy said, clearly upset.

"Initiation?" Ryan said, still confused.


"So..it turns out there's no new drug ring. Just a bunch of kids who happened to have a mule as a mascot" Ryan explained.

Captain Montgomery was trying hard not to smile "What about the  Ketamin?" he asked.

"It was part of a prank" Murphy stated, still brushing off hay from his jacket "Some genius thought it was a good idea to plant drugs in their friend's bag, who later freaked out and tossed it, which a druggie then took. While another druggie, who was clearly high at the time, thought he saw a handoff. Which is why he gave the tip" he added, embarrassed.

Montgomery couldn't stop his amused smirk from appearing "Well then, I guess that's one way to close a case" he said.

"It won't happen again, sir" Ryan said.

Montgomery raised an eyebrow at them "I sure hope it does. Not the, going behind my back and working on a case that isn't even yours. But the solving the case part" he said with a gentle smile "Good work, you two" he said.

They were shocked. And not knowing how to respond, they just nodded. As they made a move to leave, Ryan turned back to the older man and opened his mouth to add something. But Montgomery cut him off.

"I'll have a talk with Sergeant Wilkinson" he said and Ryan nodded, relieved "Oh, one more thing, Detective Murphy" he added, making Murphy furrow his brows.

"Yes sir?" he asked.

"I wouldn't go near a mule-real or otherwise-until I get changed" he stated.

Murphy's face flushed a decent shade of red as he nodded "Will do, sir" he said.

"Dismissed" he said.

After they walked out of the office, Ryan burst out laughing. All the while Murphy grumbled under his breath about being set up.

For the next few months, Detective Murphy kept finding donkey related items on his desk, planted by several people in their department. He sighed, knowing he'll never live that moment down.

- - - - - - - - - -

I feel like the joke fell flat. I'm not very good at writing humor, but I guess that's why I'm doing this. Practice! Anyway, thoughts?

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