Star blease dont make mpreg jokes im working in trans meowth territory here

17 1 13

I knoe pokemon dont give live birth but this concept doesnt rlly work with eggs so ignore that for a second:

Meowth w kitties,,,,like he gets pregnant and is just like Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck for 3 months, trying to act like everythings guchi and nowts wrong and hiding his panic attack every time he gets any kind of harsh hit during a twerp napping scheme or whatever and the whole time he has no idea what the fuck to do and the only person who knows is bewear who can Sense and is being protective of him and jessie and james dont know why

And eventually the kids decide its Time so he just slinks off and bewear follows to help and his plan was 'ok i'll figure it out after im done and go back' but he was Knackered so just went to sleep after the birth and then he lowkey had a breakdown cos everything hit him and he couldnt face jessie and james for like 2 days and bewear had to protect him and take care of him and the kitties until eventually j and j take on bewear to see him cos they're worried and its just an emotional mess of a conversation and his instincts wont even let them get close to him and the kitties to hug him or owt but when its over they have 3 kitties in the family

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