Divided we fall and all that. Dont let the nts pick and choose who's acceptable.

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The amount of fucking coded language people use to try and pretty up autism to neurotypicals is ridiculous

Both nt and autistic people do this. 'Autism' is a neutral term. Its just the name for what we have. It refers to EVERYONE with autism no matter what age, gender or level of required support. But some of yall LOOOVE your alternate terms. 'Mild autism' and 'high functioning' are favourites of everyone. Aspergers too even though its not a fucking diagnosis anymore. They all exist to implicitly say the same thing. 'Autistic- but not Bad Autistic™!!!'. Its an attempt to make an autistic person palatable to neurotypicals while throwing everyone else under the bus

How would you like it if someone said they're functioning and you are not? And not just right now at this point in their life but INHERENTLY. Used as a medical term to separate you? If you just replied 'low functioning people arent aware enough to understand that and take offence' bonk go to ableist jail. Categorising people into 'high functioning' and 'low functioning' is both gross and ineffective because our symptoms are fucking wild cards and you can have a hard time with some and an easy time with others. They dont all get turned up or down at once. And circumstances can throw this off even more leading to most people not fitting into either of these camps. 'Mild autism' makes no fucking sense because autism is like having blue eyes- you cant only sort of have it. You do or you dont. Aspergers isnt a diagnosis anymore because all it did was enforce these dumb ideas that completely misunderstand how autism works.

These terms are uses to other autistic people from each other. To separate us into black and white boxes- the 'quirky socially awkward nerd' and the 'feral mute children who need to be shoved away with carers and not looked at'

Its fucking gross and the self hatred that goes on in certain autistic people who perpetuate this false hierarchy is shameful. This is why support labels are what you should be using- and ONLY if they're relevant. Because they give across the information that is actually needed by people caring for autistic people in a respectful way that highlights the positives rather than the negatives and does not dehumanise or imply anything about the person in question. 'High functioning' and 'low functioning' bring certain images to your head 'high support' could mean anyone from someone with social anxiety and severe trouble focussing in class to someone who has very limited communication skills and is prone to wandering off

Any turn that separates us is a teem that hurts us. Every autistic person is an ally in this fight. We arent working alongside each other and getting justice and support for high support individuals is not someone elses job. It is our job because they are our allies. Stop alienating us from our own people

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