Something About You (Billy Hargrove)

Start from the beginning

But that hurt soon turned into anger.

How dare Billy think he could treat you like that. Just because you didn't have many friends didn't mean you were worth anything less than someone who did – than someone like him.

You stood at your locker that morning before school, hanging up your backpack and gathering everything you needed for first period. You really didn't want to see Billy that day, so you made sure to arrive at school right before the warning bell so you could just hurry off to class and avoid him altogether.

Of course, you'd have been naive to think you could ever be that lucky.

"Hey, kitten!" you heard Billy's voice holler the moment he and his posse turned the corner and saw you at your locker.

You could tell he was annoyed – him annoyed with you? Good one, Hargrove – and if it weren't for the action of you taking deep breaths to remain calm, you would have scoffed in his face right then and there.

"You mind telling me why you never showed Friday night?" he went on, only drawing more attention to the two of you as he came to a stop beside you.

You simply ignored his presence, but you still noticed him cock an eyebrow when he didn't get a response. And honestly, you would have been surprised if he hadn't said anything about it.

"Ignoring me now, huh?" he sighed dramatically, leaning back against the locker next to yours, "Don't suppose I could get a reason out of you for it then?"

"I don't want to talk to you," you finally answered with a grumble.

"Yeah, kitten?" he taunted, "And why's that?"

"Billy, don't start," you warned.

"Start what, kitten?"

And even though he was the one riling you up, he still jumped when you slammed your locker door shut in response.

"What did I just say, Hargrove?!" you all but screamed back at him, shocking everyone around you.

You were obviously more of a quiet person, so no one expected to turn around and see that you were the one who yelled – and at Billy Hargrove no less.

"Don't talk to me," you narrowed your eyes at him, a lot lower than your previous outburst – and you were honestly surprised your voice never wavered, "Don't come near me. Don't look at me. Don't even think about me. Find a new girl to fuck around with, and leave me alone."


Later that night

Billy, to your surprise, actually did leave you alone for the rest of the day. In fact, you didn't see him around at all. You figured he and his friends just skipped school, not that you particularly cared. You were relieved that he wasn't around to bother you.

You found yourself on the living room couch that evening, sitting in silence in the dimly lit room. Your parents had gone out for date night – as they did every Monday – and left you to your own devices. You'd already finished your homework and ate some leftovers from the fridge, and were now unfortunately lost in your own mind.

You couldn't understand why Billy would suddenly change his mind about wanting to go out with you after how hard he'd been trying to reel you in in the first place. The only thing you could suppose you were thankful for was that he'd even bothered to text you at all – letting you know he wasn't going to show was better than waiting around thinking he was just running late, right?

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