Friday Night Lights (Luke Hemmings)

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this is definitely not a blurb

Warning: Swears


The football captain couldn't tell you what prompted him to head to the football field that Friday night as he left yet another frat party, nor could he tell you exactly what first impression went through his head when he saw someone on the grass with a tackle dummy in front of them. He walked over though, curiosity getting the better of him, coming up behind the dummy just as the mysterious figure was walking away from it.

But before he could even think about making his presence known, it was already too late.

The figure was in tackling stance and running toward the dummy within the next second, sending the captain flying backwards. Luke let out a loud grunt when his back hit the ground, groaning once the air that had been knocked out of him came back into his lungs. And the next thing he heard was a gasp of surprise.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry!" he heard a girl's voice squeak, "Where did you come from?! Why were you behind that?! Did I hurt you?! I'm sorry!"

Luke watched as the figure took off their helmet, his eyes widening slightly. He'd never seen a girl on the football field in a uniform that wasn't that of cheerleading and he'd never even heard of a girl playing football, so he was understandably taken aback.

"No," Luke finally got over the shock and cleared his throat, "You didn't hurt me." He took your outstretched hand, letting you help him back to his feet.

"Are you sure?" you asked, "I've never heard anyone make a sound like that after getting tackled."

"I've never been tackled like that," he countered, "I'm sorry – I don't think we've met yet. Are you new here?"

"No," you replied softly, "I've been going here for two years now."

"Really?" he furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you new to the team then? Because I think I definitely would have remembered someone who can hit like that."

"Yeah," you laughed shyly, "I tried out the other day..."

"When did you try out? I'm the captain; I should have been there."

"You're Luke?" you wondered. He felt his heart skip when you said his name, only nodding because he knew his voice would fail him. "Coach said you were out of town but everyone else would know what you'd decide if I tried out anyway..."

"I'm guessing the consensus was letting you on the team then?" he questioned.

"Well, they gave me a uniform, so..." you trailed off, motioning to the jersey and padding covering your upper half. Luke was about to speak again when he stopped himself, noticing your face scrunching up. "You're not one of those guys who think girls don't belong in full-contact sports, are you?" you asked, relaxing when he laughed loudly.

"No, not at all," he assured you, "Just ticked I'm apparently predictable to my teammates." You giggled slightly, making him smile again. "From what I've seen though – and felt-" He rubbed his shoulder for dramatic effect, causing you to roll your eyes. "-I think you're going to be an excellent addition to the team."


Six weeks later

You breathed in deeply, letting it out slowly until you were out of air and had to repeat the process. Your eyes were closed as you stretched in preparation for football practice, enjoying the peace and quiet of the weight room that would soon be filled by a team of rowdy boys.

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