Chapter 11

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Over the next few weeks Alya, Nino, Adrien and Marinette as well as Emilie patrolled the area surrounding the Agreste mansion. Every night they hoped that there was movement but there never was..

Patrol schedule:

Monday: Rena Rouge and Ladybug

Tuesday: Carapace and Chat Noir

Wednesday: La Paon

Thursday: Rena Rouge and Carapace

Friday: La Paon 

Saturday: Ladybug and Chat Noir

Sunday: Ladybug and Chat Noir

Emilie had requested to patrol alone because she took this chance to catch up with her other son Felix and make sure he was safe. 

A few weeks had passed since Adrien and Marinette had revealed their identities to Alya and Nino. The group was in constant contact when they were patrolling, this made it easier to notify the other team members in case something unusual occurred.

Adrien packed the shopping away and almost mentally facepalmed himself when he realised he forgot the milk. "I'll get it later" He mumbled under his breath. Marinette was currently in a design class which meant she wouldn't be back until about five in the evening. The class had started at three in the afternoon and it was currently 4:15pm. "She'll be home soon" Adrien thought to himself as he finished packing the last of the shopping into the cupboards and fridge.

The blonde walked over to the sofa and flicked on the Tv before collapsing on the sofa cushion. He flicked through the channels trying to find something to watch.

Eventually time passed and it was nearing the time Marinette would be home. Adrien looked at his watch and panicked "Crap! I need to get milk before she gets home!" He cursed to himself, waking Plagg up. The kwami grumbled in his sleep, annoyed at being woken up. Adrien turned to look at the kwami "Plagg c'mon I need to go!" He urged the grumbling god of destruction into his jacket pocket. Plagg settled in comfortably and fell back asleep. Adrien shook his head and quickly wrote a note to Marinette explaining where he was. 

With the door locked and lights turned off, Adrien walked in the direction of the shop. About 5 minutes into the walk he felt like he was being followed. An uneasy feeling appeared in his gut. The blonde tried to shake it away as he quickened his pace. Being Chat Noir for many years had made it easier to dodge and avoid situations like this. Adrien turned down a dark alley hoping and praying he had lost whoever it was who was following him.

Ten minutes passed and the coast seemed clear..

Adrien creeped out of the alleyway on his tiptoes trying to seem casual and normal, not that anyone was walking past? His emerald eyes scanned the horizon for someone who may jump out from in front of him. Once he felt like there was no one there, the blonde began to walk back in the direction of the shop. That's when everything went dark..

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