When you and him go on a date Ep: 6

Depuis le début

We are now walking towards our destination. We already shipped our stuff an hour ago.

" hey kil, how many hours do you think we still have?"

" three , why? Are you tired?"

" n-no I'm just board" the truth is I am tired but I don't want to make that fact a burden on killua.

Suddenly his eyes softened. " (Y/N), you don't have to hide the truth from me, it's ok if you're tired."

But before I could say anything, killua came from behind me and carried me bridal style.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. " you're right, I am tired. Thank you killua" I said that and kissed his cheek.

" might as well need another one. * smirk* it gives me more energy, you know"

My cheeks were glowing but I nodded and gave him another kiss on his cheek.

Time skip~

It's been thirty minutes and killua is still carrying me. " hey kil, I'm not tired anymore. You can put me down now"

" *nods* but whenever you get tired again tell me"

" *nod* ok"

We completed running while talking for two more hours and now we reached Dolle Harbor.


The light blue sky, the cold breeze of the wind, the sparkling waters of the sea it's all beautiful!

Killua and I are now in our shared hotel room. he chose the best hotel in the city just for me! That's sooo thoughtful of him!

" hey (Y/N) , I'm gonna take a shower"

" ok *smile*" I sat on our huge bed and thought,

While he's at it, I'm just gonna search up some information about the hunters exam.

Killuas pov

Aaaah~ this water is sooo warm, just like (Y/N)s touch. Oh I love her so much.

I can't believe we are starting the hunters exam tomorrow, I'm starting to regret that we are going to. I mean, what if my (Y/N) got hurt!?

I can't bare seeing her hurt!

Speaking of the exam, we still have a lot of time before it. Hmmmmmmm.

I could spend some time with (Y/N) before the exam. Because I won't have many chances to stay with her when the exam starts.

But I want this to be special. Maybe I can....hmmmmm....t-take her out? N-no what a-am I thinking, I'm such a BAKA!

But I really do want this to be special. Ok I think I will take her out. But I'm sure my tongue will get twisted when I ask her about it. I'll stutter every word I say.

Hey I won't blame myself, I mean, I'm new to these kind of stuff! But I'll try my best.

I stayed for two more minutes and I'm finally done. I'll just wear my clothes now.

(Killua x reader) boyfriend/husband scenariosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant