𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

Start from the beginning

"Then if you will, my dearest doctor," he offered 049 his hand, bowing a little. Though there was some sarcasm in his voice, it was more to exaggerate how polite he was being rather than to be all snarky.

049 glanced at 035's host's hand for a quick second, only to put both of his hands behind his back. " I'd rather not. Let's get out of the facility first, mon ami. " ( T: Mon ami : My friend )

"Oh, you're no fun." He straightened up. "Follow me, come on." 035 turned and began walking back to the Keter containment area and back to his cell.

Even if it wasn't shown.. 049 raised an eyebrow before following 035 into the Keter containment area. He wasn't sure why they'd need to got there, since they were basically heading deeper into the facility. " How long have you planned this escape of yours..? "

"I've been working on it since I got here, of course," he began. "I honestly didn't think I'd have to do it. But you seem to have complicated things..."

" Complicated things..? Enlighten me. " He said, continuing to follow 035 through the halls.. a chill running down his spine while he glanced around the place, only sensing nothing but Pestilence lingering around the place.

"Well you're here, aren't you? I could do this without you, don't think I couldn't." He paused for a moment. "I couldn't leave you to rot here, mio amico.." he muttered. ( T: Mio amico : My friend )

049 sighed, rushing toward 035 side. " I see.. well... ever since they cut my patients off from me.. I've been meaning to start a new someplace fresh. I cannot complain much, even if I'm not fond of this plan of yours. "

035 hummed a bit, thinking. "Somewhere new, hm? Where exactly did you have in mind?"

" Ah, perhaps a new part of Italy. Return to France for a little while... Greece? Perhaps places where I have never been before. Japan... or Korea? Of course, I'll have to be on the move more often. Where will you be when we escape this godforsaken place? " 049 asked, continuing to face ahead.

"Wherever the fates decide to take me, doctor," he said dramatically, reveling in having an audience again.

" You might want to wait til you are on a stage.. at the moment, your audience is a couple of scattered deceased bodies. " He said bluntly.

"Oh come on, you don't have to be so sour. I remember you indulging me at least a little before."

" And that was before. A long time ago. I was and will never be a theater kid. " 049 spoke softly before shaking his head. " I do not quite know how through all this time, you still keep those kinds of memories in your mind.. "

"I don't know how you can't!" he replied. "It was a very unique time for me. Your mind was so... different. Yet familiar. I remember everything, but my time with you... well, that I remember very clearly."

" Right right. There was nothing different about me during that time.. I am the same doctor I was back then. Nothing has changed.. even if it's been over thousands of years ago. " 049 spoke with a firm tone. " Are we there yet...? " He asked, almost in a quick attempt to change the subject before things got personal.

035 had been getting ready to say something very personal, but he stopped himself, sighing frustratedly. "Yes, just around this corner." He stepped into the cell that held the glass case that he was usually kept in.

By what he heard, he knew he just saved himself a small argument between the two. 049 took one look into the containment cell and stayed out of it. " Sometimes, you disgust me with your clutter. "

"Oh my god, there is nothing in here!! Well, except that guy. But who cares." He nodded toward a decaying body in the room. Quickly, he reached up to his face and smeared his host's hand on the goo leaking from his mouth. Then he quickly rubbed it on the back wall, making it begin to crumble. "There. I'll be back." Without saying any more, he went to go look for a guard to possess.

Perhaps he was delusional! Or.. really dramatic. It really didn't make a difference, he wasn't going into that cell. He could just sense all the germs.. and diseases that cell alone held. 049 was going to have to wait for 035 to return.. even if it was a bit of a risk for the mask to be contained once again when alone.

035 was gone for a while, almost a worrying amount of time. During that time, 049 grew increasingly worried. He didn't know if 035 had gotten contained or even shattered by security. Anxiety that he hadn't felt in a long time was barking at the front door.. and honestly, he begun debating going to look for him.

Then finally, he came back, an armed guard as his host. "Well? How do I look, doc?" he asked as he came back. Thank god.. just in time, hearing the mask's voice made him snap back to reality. He'd look over toward 035, letting out an aggravated sigh. " I suppose it'll do. "

"Good, because it took a while to get." He looked suspiciously to 049, as if he had known he'd been worried. Perhaps he'd even taken longer on purpose to make him worry... "Anyway, I believe it's time for the next part of my plan. After you."

049 would let out a small groan. " Don't.. tell me I actually have to go in there. The personnel here must've not wanted me in your containment cell. It's filthy. " He complained.

"Quit whining," 035 said bluntly. "You agreed to this, remember? What, should I hold your hand to the hole in the wall?"


gonna cut it here and continue at chapter two cuz we got 1615 words here lol
besides, dont we all love a bunch of cliffhangers? :D

edit: added translations, and edited it a bit

"𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"  An 035 x 049 fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now