"is he alright?" taeyong asked kun.

"as alright as it gets." kun replied. mark scoffed and wordlessly sat down on the bar stool on taeyong's other side.

kun was now preparing donghyuck's toast, making some more, probably for himself and the two others. nobody said a word and donghyuck had the feeling he was the only one who had gotten enough sleep this night.

"so what's the plan with me?" he broke the silence.
all three looked at him but it was kun who answered "you stay here. we can't risk you going outside and also your father would kill us."

donghyuck's jaw dropped to the ground. he opened and closed his mouth before exclaiming "so i can't leave this house?! for how long?"

"until either we or the police find the person who wrote the letter or until we're sure you're not in risk of getting killed." taeyong explained. donghyuck couldn't understand how calm his voice was.

"but that could take months!" he cried out.

"would you rather get killed?" mark asked. donghyuck glared at him.

"let me guess. you've been out all night partying and what not. not everyone has that privilege." he scoffed.

mark angrily stood up from his chair and walked up to donghyuck. he grabbed the man's collar and growled "not everyone has the privilege huh? who are you to talk about privilege?"

"you don't know nothing. you have such a huge privilege of not knowing anything. you are just some rich daddy's boy who has never even heard of anything else in his life than money and his job. don't tell me anything about what i am doing when i'm actually working hard. guess you can't relate to that." he growled, pulling donghyuck so close that their foreheads were touching. donghyuck could feel mark's breathing fanning over the skin of his neck.

donghyuck had to admit those words hurt because they were true. he had no idea why mark became part of the mafia but for sure it wasn't because he had so much money and a stable job like donghyuck. the latter stared up at mark who glared right back. his brown eye's were practically on fire and donghyuck could spot a few little flecks of gold in his eyes.

"mark!" taeyong roared and both men jumped.

"that's enough." the leader said and suddenly donghyuck understood why many were scared of these men. taeyong glared at mark who was glaring right back at him. there was an almost static atmosphere between them.

"did i lie?" mark asked, his voice suddenly very cold.

"why are we supposed to protect him? so that he can live on living his privileged life while i risk mine every night?" mark asked. his hand was travelling to his waist but gripped into the empty. it was where his gun pollster had been before.

"if you're feeling that way, feel free to leave. nobody's holding you here." taeyong spat.

"you two. out." kun said and it sent shivers down donghyuck's spine. he hadn't expected the man to be able to talk in such a serious and low tone.

taeyong and mark left, mark slamming the glass door so harshly behind them that donghyuck was scared the glass would break.

"here's your toast. i'll be right back." kun smiled and then left behind the two men. donghyuck just sat there in shock. he didn't know whether he should be scared or impressed by what just happened. in the end he went with both. scared because he knew if kun hadn't said anything, maybe this situation would've escalated and impressed by all three men. mark's aggression and attitude, taeyong's ability to keep up with mark and kun's ability to make both of them listen to him. what he had seen just now, that was probably the reason why they were so successful as a mafia.

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