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You shuddered when the thunder rumbled the walls of your office as the storms from Monday doubled back and lingered in your city. It had been coming down heavily all week, very befitting of your current mood.

Ever since your small confrontation with Taehyung in the storage closet, the tension between the two of you went from incredibly thick to almost dissipating completely. Which in any other instance would be a good thing. But when you walked into the office that Friday morning, something was off.

Taehyung didn't avoid you or shoot you any searing looks from across the department. And when he did look your way, his eyes were indifferent. They didn't hold that intensity that captivated you initially. They held no depth or wanting. He was polite and professional enough during your brief interactions but...

It was almost as if you weren't there or that he was looking straight through or past you.

And maybe...It was better that way.

Noon came fairly quick and you craved a candy bar from the vending machine, so to the break room you went with your head down and in your phone. You walked in distractedly and stopped dead in your tracks when you found the normally empty break room occupied.

None other than Taehyung was there, his back to you as he reached over his head to stock the cabinet above the coffee machine with paper towels. He pushed several rolls back to make room for more, bending sideways to reach into the large cardboard box beside him on the floor. It had been a few days since you were alone in the storage closet with him, the large box of paper towels giving you deja vú.

And in a way you felt a sharp twinge in your heart at the thought of no longer having an excuse to meet in storage closet anymore. Of course other than to collect supplies.

"Hey! I've been looking for you!"

If Taehyung wasnt aware of your presence before, he defineitly was now. He pauses mid reach into the box to glance over his shoulder in the direction of the door, where you stood with Hoseok strolling up to stand at your side. The sound of his voice makes you turn, gasping softly at his sudden appearence.

"Hoseok! Hi..." you stammered, almost nervously. You reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, resisting the urge to glance at Taehyung across the room, hoping he wasnt staring. But you didnt have to look his way to know, you felt it.

"On your lunch? I never see you around here..." Hoseok smirks down at you, the expression making you blush.

Of course he didn't. You were normally either out, in your office or tangled up with a certain heart-stoppingly gorgeous data analyst with big hands and big dreamy brown eyes and soft lips and..

"Yep! On my lunch break...was just um..."

You spot Taehyung moving in your peripheral, shrugging his shoulders slightly and snorting softly at your response as he continued to stock slowly.

You couldnt help but frown at it, assuming Taehyung was probably thinking the same as you, knowing why you were always so scarce at lunch time personally.

"...getting a snickers or something..." you chuff, blinking rapidly to dispel your thoughts and how overly aware you were of Taehyung. Unlike Hoseok, who doesn't even look in his direction as he takes a few more steps into the room.

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