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"So...about the other night." Taehyung pulls at the strap of his crossbody bag, shrugging against the chill of the morning air. Lisa was walking alongside him, leaving the parking lot and heading for their office building's entrance.

"What about it?" She strolls slowly, fiddling with the strap of her purse as well.

"I just wanted to apologize for jetting. I uh.."

"Had a thing?" She looks at him, a sarcastic twinkle in her eye that makes Taehyung blush.

Damn her eyes are so pretty.

"Any way. Sorry. You all made it home safe right?" Taehyung looks away just as Lisa nods.

"It's cool. We pretty much left after you did. Jenni was so wasted that Jimin and I had to carry her out of there to his car. It was pretty bad." Lisa giggles at the memory but Taehyung frowns.

"Damn. Now I really feel like shit for leaving." He huffs a sardonic laugh but keeps a straight face, looking over at Lisa with apologetic eyes.

"You should. But I'm sure you can make it up to me. Somehow ." Lisa leans into his path to nudge him in the ribs with her elbow, earning a genuine smile from Taehyung.

The two continued on walking, exchanging cute little glances and blushing, laughing at whatever the other said as they made their way up the sidewalk.

You were walking along the side of the building with your Starbucks mug in one hand, your purse dangling from the crook of your arm, and your phone in the other. You were busy reading something on the screen when the familiar sound of Taehyungs laugh makes you look up.

There he was. In his usual business attire, crisp button-up, and tie, black slacks, and matching coat. Pretty much the same thing every other man at your job wore. But for some reason, the way Taehyung wore it made it waaaaay sexier than it should be. Borderline illegal.

Your heart warmed at the sight of him smiling and laughing. At least until you saw that he wasn't alone. He was with a girl, a girl you're sure you'd seen around the office. No one from your department though.

She wore a high-waisted skirt and a frilly pink blouse that was cinched at the wrists. She was tall and skinny. Long pretty brown hair and fair skin.


You hadn't realized that you were staring and with blushed cheeks, you returned your gaze to your phone and continued on to enter the building.

Thankful and slightly bitter that Taehyung had no idea you were even there.

The heat welling up behind your ears and the dull ache in your heart were pissing you off. How dare you even entertain the possibility of being jealous or smitten right now?

You saw him pretty much every day. Hell, he'd just fucked you two nights ago over the weekend. But you could never find yourself getting used to his presence. Getting comfortable. Everything he did activated something inside of you. And it had been that way from the day you hired him 8 months ago.

He was fresh out of college, bright, and extremely ambitious. Extremely shy and timid during his interview though, which you found cute and charming.

His boxy smile and wide ears, such adorable features to compliment a beautiful face, you thought.

As he answered the interview questions, your eyes scanned his body language. Sure he seemed cute and friendly and shy when he spoke, stuttering from the nerves and stumbling over his words. But his posture was confident, the way his suit fit his body told you he was very comfortable in his skin. And the way he shook your hand at the beginning and end of the interview, you knew immediately there was more to Kim Taehyung than what meets the eye.

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