Slide in her dm's while he slides out

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1 message from Jordanlewistrucker🔵

Open message...



Hi :)

I just wanted
To say you
Looked really
Good in that
Post you made

I didn't want to say
Anything on there cus
Of all the tea pages lol

Awe thank you

Yeah not going to lie,
The tea pages can be
A bit obsessive lmao

Tell me about it

I mean with all
The Addison and
Bryce drama i
Was in

Omg I remember that!

Lmao yes!

Aha and also
I wanted to just
Wish you well
With the whole
Break up

That shit can hit

Yeah I don't think
It's fully hit me yet
But it will soon

Well when
It does just know
That I am here
For you :)

Thank you

It honestly means
A lot

You wouldn't have a
Moment to maybe ft
Would you?

I'm working out
Atm but I can always
Do that later

Okay I'll call you now


Y/n: no way! I was literally talking to charli about coming back to LA next week!
I said enthusiastically as I looked at the phone that was propped up on a work bench
Jordan: well I mean I can always wait until you're in LA
Y/n: no! Don't stop me from you coming to Connecticut, you do what you want
I said as I took a sip out of my drink
Jordan: maybe I can finally meet the Charli D'Amelio's famous best friend for myself
He teased
Y/n: hey I'm so much more then that
I huffed in response causing him to throw his hands up in defence
Jordan: okay I'm kidding!
He chuckled
Y/n: you should teach me how to play basketball
I suggested excitedly
Jordan: well duh, as soon as I meet you I'll take you to go play
He told me through a laugh
Y/n: yes! I literally can not wait! So when you coming?
I asked as I placed my bottle back to my lips as I listened to what he said next
Jordan: well if you're going back to LA next week then I'll come to Connecticut in like a day or something so we can go back to LA together
He suggested
Y/n: sounds good to me
I smiled back

We spoke for around 2 hours before I made up an excuse so I could call Charli

Y/n: he's super cool, Addison is missing out
I told her through a laugh
Charli: girl you're crazy, but I love you so I support you through whatever
She giggled
Dixie: who are we talking about?
Dixie asked as she walked into Charli's room and faked to throw an apple at her
Y/n: Jordan Tucker
I told her
Dixie: omg I love Jordan! He's super nice!
She shouted as she jumped on the bed beside Charli
Y/n: mhm we were just FaceTiming and well he said he's coming to Connecticut in like 2 days so I get to meet him
I squealed
Dixie: wait I wanna see him! I haven't seen him in ages!
She huffed
Y/n: well we're both coming back to LA next week so you can see him then
I laughed before ending the call

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