Vlogs are for ugly people

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Tea warning

Y/n: good morning my people- so I've never made a vlog before since VlOgS aRe FoR uGlY pEoPlE... IM KIDDING! Oh shit I need to be quiet since everyone else is sleeping... I also need to bleep that out- I need a bad bleep. Uh Addison Rae, dude I miss Addison I haven't seen her in ages, I just watched her WAP dance and omg she's a mother fff... rickin Queen- this is not going well
I rambled as I sat up in bed and chuckled a hoodie over myself
Y/n: anyways... it's 8am and I'm awake so I thought I'd make a vlog today since I saw Riley do it and I love her she's the best anyways I thought I'd do it.
I took a deep breath before starting my next sentence
Y/n: so basically I just got home yesterday and everyone is sleeping but for me it's wakey up time
I grabbed my phone and placed the camera down
Y/n: so the first thing I do when I wake up is message my babies to tell them I'm awake
I posed for the selfie, putting a peace sign up
Y/n: Good- morning- word that I can't say on here teehee
I then grabbed the camera and got out of my bed, I went to the bathroom and got my toothbrush and some toothpaste before heading downstairs
Y/n: so since it's super early and everyone else is asleep I'm going to do my teeth in the downstairs bathroom
I put the camera on the bathroom counter before brushing my teeth and washing my face

Y/n: okay now we are going to go make some breakfast... so today we are making cereal since that's what I want today... um- so we have this cereal
I modelled with the box before pouring it into the bowl and added milk
Y/n: if you put the milk before the cereal you're dead to me
I joked as I went back to the refrigerator to get some more food and put the milk back
Y/n: and now I'm going to add some raspberries and blackberries- and now we go eat
I went on my phone as I ate, I knew when I edited half of this stuff it would be time lapsed

I got changed into my gym clothes before putting my shoes on
Y/n: so it's been around 30 minutes since I ate so now I'm going on a run... I hate running, it literally sucks but it helps me stay in shape so I gotta put up with it

I ran for around an hour before I came back home to do the next part of my day
Y/n: okay so Charli just responded to my message but sadly Gemma is busy so you're going to have to put up with Charli... anywaysss I'm heading into the garage since that's where the gym is and Charli and I are gonna FaceTime and work out, obviously dancing is a really key thing in our workout so that's why we'll be doing more dancing than weight lifting and stuff

This part would just be a time-lapse of me and Charli working out over call so I thought now would be the perfect time to talk to Charli about what happened yesterday

Y/n: it was all fine- but obviously I wasn't feeling too good since payton was being stupid and all I said was something about his stupidity and then he just went off
I explained to her as I copied the first stretch
Charli: I know I'm not really one to say anything Y/n but at this point I don't know if he's worth it... do you love him?
Really charli?
Sure hit me with that question why not
Y/n: no I don't LOVE him but I do have very strong feelings towards him
I told her
Charli: I don't think he's worth it
Y/n: so you think I should break up with him?
Oh charli
Charli: I think that you should do whatever you feel is right but don't let any guy push you around, I'm not having my best friend being subjected to feeling hurt to the point she actually had to go home because of some stupid boy, I'm not doing that
Charli was right... I was putting up with something that I didn't have to
She was also right about him hurting me the way he did
But I just didn't know what to do
Y/n: I'll figure it out later
I said with a smile as I started the actual workout
Charli: I won't let anyone push you around
Y/n, sadly I had that with Chase and as much as I like him as a friend I shouldn't have had to deal with that
She explained to me
Again she was right
She was only looking out for me
Y/n: I think I'll end things for now and just take some time for myself, find my worth before I help anyone else find there's
Charli smiled back at me, she was proud of what I had said meanwhile I was fucking terrified

FROM A LAPDANCE TO THIS- completed Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum