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tae pov

summer. i love the summer. its the time f the year where jimin and i always spend too much money on gucci, dye our hair random colors, and binge watch netfix series..or drag race.

well i guess i should introduce myself...hi! i'm kim taehyung. im 17 and i just finished highschool a few days ago. (i graduated early). i live with my bestie, jimin. and my puppy tannie. i love shopping, and...shopping. i ADORE shopping and new clothes. everything about it. thats why i decided to go to fashion school, to become a fashion designer. since i already draw outfits, i decided, why not go to college for something you love? 

it all worked out because jimin is also going to fashion school. but hes going into makeup, because he loves makeup. i know..im his test subject...

lifes been pretty great so far in life. i have a great friends, a cute puppy, going to my dream college. im not that close with my parents...(they wanted me to go into business or something 'secure' but i told them this was my dream so they allowed it. even if they dont like it.). and i cant really complain because they give me all the money i could want for gucci, so its a win win for me.

so yeah...thats pretty much it- oh! i almost forgot. im gay too. but wbk..ok back to the story



i was currently laying down on my bed, scrolling through guccis online store

 (if you didnt realize by now im 'obsessed' with gucci..but i find it just the right amount of liking)

anygayysss... i was scrolling through the bag section, my thumb tapping the screen of my phone once and a while to see the bag details. i was currently waiting or jimin to get back from getting noodles. yes, i made him get me noodles, cause i was hungry, but i aint about to get up and drive to the store. nu uh


i was about to click on a simple black hand bag when my phone started to ring. i paused to look at the caller ID. it was unknown...so me being curious, i answered

"hello?"   "oh my! hi taetae!!"

i knew that voice anywhere. it was my older cousin jin. i didnt realize i deleted his number. i sighed.

"hi jin hyung." i said trying to sound enthusiastic. "are your bags packed?" jin said in an energetic voice. my face turned to confusion. bags?

"what? what bags?" i asked confused. "your coming to the farm this summer silly. remember?" i thought for a while. i gasped. i told jin that i was sick last year, and promised to come this yer. only because i thought he would forget, i guess not. jin asks me to come to the farm every year. but i always make an excuse not to go. like, why would i wanna go to a smelly old farm??

"o-oh yeah..i actually cant jin im sorry-"  "nope. your coming this year. you say the same thing every year. you ARE coming this year. you havent came here since you were like ten. so pack your bags. now."

"but i dont have tickets or anything.." i said trying to find a way out of it. "oh! dont worry i already bought you a ticket!"  i sighed. of course he did.

"but-"  "no. i want to see my baby cousin. ok..please..just one summer. if you hate it, you dont have to come back...i just wanna see you.."

well it suddenly got sad. yeah, i'v been putting off going to the country side for years. i sighed in defeat.

"ok fine...when do i leave?" i heard jinnie scream in excitement on the other side of the phone. "your flight is in 2 days. i'll send the info. and i'll pick you up from the airport. ok love yo bye!" i heard another scream of happiness before the line cut.

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