Pining 02

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"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and I cried." -Johnny Cash, You Are My Sunshine

Grieving takes forever to cope with. The only thing is, some people don't move on as quickly as they thought they'd be able to. Not everyone is strong enough to do it.

It's so hard to push through.

It'd been years since everything that had happened in Italy. The Pillar Men we're not more thanks to Joseph, Lisa Lisa, and Von Stroheim. Wamuu, Esidisi, and Kars had been outsmarted and done away with; the first two finished off while Kars was sent flying into space to be turned to stone. Things had been quieter for a long time, and happier too.

Joseph had kept his promise to Suzi Q about returning after she'd healed; the two had hit it off rather wonderfully and ended up getting married somewhere down the line. They even ended up having a girl that they named Holly. Everyone was older, happier; or so it seemed.

Joseph was struggling far too hard with his past guilt and regret. It wasn't anything new, of course. But he did hate how it seemed to take a toll on those around him. He didn't think he'd be able to enjoy things the same way that he used to.

It hurt to see his girls faking smiles and assuring him they were all good when he knew all too well that his own mental health was making them worry. Holly took after Suzi so much, it was almost as if they were the same person. The two had similar smiles, hair, even the same eyes. If he didn't know them he would've thought they were twins.

Today was a beach day for the little Joestar family. Joseph wanted to take Suzi and Holly out in the sun and appreciate them with the free time they had together.

The weather was just right for a day out, too. Hardly any clouds spotted the sky, so the sun felt warm as ever. Which meant the water would feel nice and cool. Barely anyone was in their general area, which made things homey, but it also felt off as well.

"Feels like we might fry up if we stay on the sand, huh girls?" Joseph teased, looking back to a grinning Holly and Suzi. He dug his feet into the toasty sand, feeling himself shiver at the heat.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can we race to the water?" Holly squealed, bouncing on her heels and looking between her parents. Joseph thought he couldn't have been happier.

"Let's see here.." He looked to Suzi, raising a brow and laughing to himself. "Does Mommy want to race too?"

"Jojo!" Suzi scolded as she turned red and gave him a friendly shove, looking around with both embarrassment and curiosity. "I thought more people would be here, weird.. Maybe I'll race with you both."

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