My Ototo

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Smol A/N:

Me: *gets off Wattpad for a few days to play games and do school*

Me: *comes back a week later with 108 views on trashy story*

Also me: *memorized the whole Chika dance when I haven't even watched the anime during the time I was gone*

Also me again: *imagines my waifus and my husbandos doing the chika dance in a maid outfit*

CHILDREN. THANK YOUUUU SO MUCH. I never thought this G A R B A G E would get any views ;w;

Anyways here's your story-

Kakashi's POV

Today I sent Naruto off to the academy. Kami, he really didn't want to go huh. I just thought it would be better for him. He needs friends that are HIS age. I don't want him to have two old geezers for friends. I just hope he's managing. If he wants to become a shinobi, which I know he does, he'll have to go to the academy.

Say, most of the clan heirs are in his class eh?

I wonder how that will turn out. I hope he actually talks to people instead of just dozing off like I did. He reminds me so much of myself. It's pretty impressive how much I rubbed off of him. Independent, strong, smart, good looks. But he also got some of my bad qualities. He got my quietness, my attitude, my lateness. Kami, if I didn't force him out of bed, he'd still be asleep. It's 12:47.

Ah, Naruto. My ototo. We've been through so much. At least we found each other. I honestly didn't know what I would be like today without him. When we first met, he was just a lonely adorable orphan that was treated horribly. I honestly don't want to know what would've happened if he were still alone to this day.
Would he even be alive?

No, Kakashi. Don't think like that. Just be grateful that you both are happy now. You've made so many memories together. Don't let those thoughts eat you up like this.

I need some fresh air.

Author POV (e)

Kakashi took a step outside. They lived in a beautiful area in the forest. A little robin came down at the ground next to Kakashi's feet.

"Hello there,"

The bird just chirped in response.

Kakashi stood there for a while, he thought a lot about Naruto. His Ototo, so tough yet so fragile. So quiet yet Kakashi can still hear Naruto's please for help. They were drilled into his mind.


Kakashi was just watching Naruto, like he was told to. He was standing by the window when he heard the cries.

He looked into the window to see the sobbing child. It broke his heart for such a tiny adorable little boy to be so sad and alone. What hurt more was what he said,

"Kami, help."

"I don't want to be alone anymore. I can't take it."

"Please Kami,"

"Help me"

"Save me from..myself."

Kakashi's entire face showed sadness and anger. Sad because of how broken the blonde boy was. Angry becuase of those villagers. May they all rot in a dungeon.

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