Today was one of those days.

Moving to a sitting position and resting my back against the headboard. It could be one of the members but I didn't want to risk it, since sometimes people I've never met will come knocking on the door and I didn't want them to think that I'm a stuck up slump since I'm dating their boss after all.

"Come in" I said, fixing my hair quickly and putting my hand down twice as fast when the door opened, revealing a worried Shownu. Looking at him, my back straightened a little, lifting away from the headboard as I stared at my friend.

"Can I help you, Shownu?" I asked the older and he stared at me, blinking as he opened the door a little wider so he could step in, and I slightly tilted my head, patiently waiting for the older to answer.

"Wonho wants to see you, his in his office" Shownu said after a while and I stared at him, my mind processing the words before I tensed up a little, my mind processing it and I could see Shownu looking at me, and I know he knows how I'm feeling.

People would take one look at Shownu and think that his dumb because of how he always look and don't really pay attention to him. But if you truly know him, he isn't what people paint him to be. Shownu is actually a very observant and sharp person, able to know how you feel just by staring into your eyes alone.

His like a mind reader.

Nodding a little as I stood up, stretching myself and pocketing my phone, making my way to Shownu who was out the room and waiting for me. Closing the door, we looked at each other before the older lead the way, even though we both know that I know the way. I've been there so many times during the months. But Shownu always walks me there so I decided to let him be, must've been used to it because he was, after all, Wonho's right hand man.

The walk there was silence, none of us saying anything as I looked around the familiar place, trying to distract myself while Shownu just looked ahead of him, like a statue walking. He looks like he wanted to say something but can't bring himself to, and I didn't want to pry in either. So hence the lingering silence.

Soon, we reached my boyfriends office, the all to familiar set of doors greet us and we stopped once we were in front of it. I was about to knock and announced my presence when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from doing so.

Looking at my side, I saw Shownu looking at me, his lips pursed and brow slightly furrowed, making me slightly furrow my eyebrows too. We were in that position for a while, just staring at each other and like usual, I tried to ask what was wrong when the older beat me to it.

"Be careful" He said softly, voice barely a whisper and I stared at him with wide eyes, shocked. I mean, I know what he was talking about, everyone in the group knows it, but it's the look in his eyes that made me realized something, and I dreaded for it.

"You're... not coming in with me?" I asked, voice as soft as him because if we do raise our voice, it could be heard on the other side and we definitely do not want that happening.

Shownu would usually accompany me into the room whenever Wonho calls for me no matter what, so to see him shaking his head was a huge news for me.

A news that I really didn't want to hear.

"No. He told me to get you and go do what I needed to do" The older replied back and I gulped, already dreading. It's not like Wonho did anything bad. It's just the feeling that all of us got after that homophobia incident with the dude, that is when it all started to go wrong.

We all also agree to be on aware and not be with Wonho alone, which was a huge struggle for me considering, well, we were dating and it's bound that we would be together. The others quickly agree that they would watch from afar, different person each time so the mafia leader wouldn't suspect anything, hopefully.

Debt-Hyungwonho Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora