Chapter 20

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Hyungwon's POV

Its been a few months since we've dated, and a few months since the incident happened and Wonho was acting strangely ever since then. I could sense something was wrong but I always dismissed it, thinking it was nothing until the others pointed out.

To be honest, I thought Wonho was only being over protective after that incident, making sure that I don't experience something like that ever again, which I find really sweet, even though I do experienced it at school. One of the few reasons why Max decided to bully me.

I mean, the mafia leader is still sweet like he always was to me, that angelic gummy smile along with his unrealistically nice personality, it's all the same.

But something changed. He changed. Like something has awoken inside him.

I can't seem to place my finger on how he changed. His still acting the same as before, but something was just, not right at all. Like, the answer was there but I don't know what it is and it's becoming so damn frustrating.

But whatever it was, Wonho was not acting like before.

The members seemed to noticed it too, as they warn me to be careful around him. It's like they sensed it too, the change in Wonho that none of us could figure it out.

But one thing is for sure. Whatever change that is happening to him now is nothing good at all. And we have to figure it out before it gets even worse.

If my boyfriend is still acting like that because of that incident then I'll just smack some common sense into him. It's been months and it's not even that bad, like seriously.

I've gotten much worse treatment than this thanks to Max. A disgusted glare is nothing compare to what that short ass put me through. Yes, I did feel uncomfortable that time, but it was all over now. I've gotten over it, so Wonho should also get over it right?

And another strange thing I noticed out of all of this, is that he had been asking me to get a real lip piercing for quite a lot of times now. When I'm hanging out with him, cuddling him on bed and just being with him in general.

I would find this weird but never mentioned it, refusing his offer to get a real one because I don't really want to. And plus, this fake one he gave me works just like a real one. Without close or careful glance no one would suspected it to be fake, and it works like a charm. So no, I won't be getting a real one anytime soon, or at all.

Right now I'm in our share bedroom. I've moved in to sleep with him ever since the first day we came back from the trip and all the moving and breaking my spine was worth it

I also may or may have not abandon Minhyuk so now whenever the sunshine opens the door to my room it's empty and no ones there. He kept complaining and whining about how it was so lonely and quiet without me but I told him to suck it and get used to it, which resulted in him whining even more.

His gotten used to it now, but occasionally he would still whine but it wasn't as bad as it was the first few days when I moved into Wonho room, so I would just laugh it off, patting his shoulder and move on to the next topic of our conversation.

Laying on the king sized bed and lazily scrolling through my phone, which I almost dropped when a knock rang through the entire room, startling me as I whipped my head to the door, the person outside waiting for my approval.

Since coming back from vacation, my schedule had changed a little. From training every day to only specific days, still getting my mental training from Kihyun, but other than that I'm free to mostly do what I want, since I didn't want to bother Wonho from his work, knowing that that man was busy and I didn't want to cause any distractions to him, so I just roam around the mansion looking for something interesting to do.

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