Happy Holidays from the Kents

Start from the beginning

"Everyone look its snowing" Kara said.

Yea, it is actually snowing outside. I can't remember the last time it snowed in Metropolis though its been a while.

Kara and Victoria put on their coats and head outside in the snow.

Philip and his mother start to build a snowman. It's freezing out here but compared to Starlight City it's warm.

"Lunch is ready" Lois said out loud.

The family finally sat down to eat.

And yet again Clarks favorite team lost the big game. He still has hope.

Victoria and everyone else says grace before meals and then hand out the dishes.

Grandma famous stew smelled so good. I managed to make Cold noodle salad and some peppermint cookies.

Philip liked cold noodles.

"So what have y'all been doing since the last time ?" Victoria asked.

"I've been busy with the farm, though I might start my business soon... its called Martha Garden . I hope to sell jams, fruits, Vegetable and grain" Martha expressed.

Martha is defiantly a business woman.

"Actually Lois and I went to Argos and visit with the people. Kara came along and we discovered so much of our krypton heritage ." Clark said as he took some more cornbread from the wooden bowl.

"Wow it makes me feel almost boring compared to y'all stories" I responded and wished things were fun for me.

Al day work, work, and work.

Clark lit up the very large christmas tree just before it became dark outside. Everyone sat to watch elf .

Philip chose this years movie.

Victoria looked at her phone and noticed Chris texted her something.

He missed her and that Penelope needed them on Monday for yet another cover story.

Well looks like Sunday is going to be rushed.

After the movie is over, family hands out christmas presents around the living room.

I watch as they open my presents I gave them .

All last Friday I shopped till I could no longer do it and managed to get everything they been wanting.

Martha held her gift which is hotel type bed sheets and smiled .
Victoria could tell Martha really liked the sheets "Thanks Soo much"

Kara really loved her gift.
Victoria bought Kara new suitcase from Calvin Klein line.

She said with a smile, "You know me so well. Reporters think alike"

She looked how Philip loved his new race car set and his moms new relaxation set with candles and mood music.

Clark opened his box and inside favorite men's fragrance.
"I thought they didn't make this anymore" He was confused and happy at the same time.

"Lets just say I know someone" Victoria said. he thanked her .

Lois opened her gift.

"Do you like it?" Victoria wondered.

Inside full collection of famous articles and picture signed by Famous reporter Stacy Winsworth, her idol."I love it" Lois hugged her daughter .

I started to open gifts one by one.

Shiny wrapping paper covered the first Christmas present from grandma.

Opened the box and looked inside to see one thing I've been wanting, she got actually Chanel perfume .

I spritz some on my chest and continued opened the next present from Philips mother.

Pair of very comfortable slippers, silk bath robe, and an appliance Stir Fry Pot. "Thanks" I looked at her.

Kara handed over a present with cute snoopy little bag.
Inside cute set of earrings and necklace to hold into and wear them on special occasion.

Chris and I would later exchange gifts after The Holiday. Perfect way to wear jewelry.

Now Clark brought over big box to the couch area. I wondered what could possible be in there.

"We know you would love this" Lois said. "this is from both of us" Clark sat down and watched.

Box started to move. What the heck was in there?! Victoria opened the lid to the box and screamed once she saw what it was !!

A puppy!!!!
A cute adorable Golden Retriever pup!

She looked so cute with those beautiful sappy eyes and floppy ears. A red bow tied next to her collar and couple of small chew toys.

Victoria picked up the puppy in her arms and hugged it.

"I Love it so much thank you guys" Victoria overjoyed with her new puppy. The puppy gave out wet kisses.

The puppy walked around for a bit.
Then she slept in her new kennel.

"What are you gonna name her?" Kara wondered and looked at the sleeping puppy.

"Roxie after my old dog . " Victoria headed upstairs to head to sleep.

Yet another great Christmas at the Kent home and just relaxing weekend.

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